Part 6

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Calling up Maki and Kaede, I went into a rampage of words. Both of them sighed at the coffee shop, seeing me reenact spilling my coffee and them WALKING together!

This was the same day Maki used her assasins skills to figure out the address and all. It was connecting..!

Kaede said I was slowly becoming a detective... but I'm not so sure.. I think it was just the drive to find him..

He looks a little bit better then when I saw him, im not so sure. It was so fast.. my heart practically leaped.

All three of us began to connect the dots, looking for a Nagito.

I knew exactly where to look.

(3rd pov))

"Nagito? Well.. I don't know, I haven't seen him in ages. He moved into his apartment and is taking therapy someplace. Should I ask Chiaki?" A warm, confident voice rung back from the brunette, almost confused at all the random questioning.

Shuichi nodded, shutting off the call. He got a notification soon after, an address.

Shuchi and Kaede celebrated, finally towards a cold case they've been tracking! Maki only smiled a little, offering to drive them there. Apparently Hajime had the same idea, so they carpooled.

This "protag" seemed perfectly normal, greeting them openly and giving some background about Nagito and helping him out.

It was sunset, a small car ride to an "antags" house. Surprisingly, it looked neat for such a small house. Well kept, sunflowers all over the front... nothing seemed insane.

Shuichi stepped out the car, inspecting closer. Maki and Kaede watched, not getting inside. Sure, the house was a neat vanilla and green color, smelled of cinnamon and tea, and even had a welcome sign... but... who knows?

Maki and Kaede drove far off, parking enough so they're in distance of help.. but not obvious they were near.

Hajime stepped forward, chest out. Like he was showing off some proud feathers spawled over him. The other meakly stood behind him, hoping the sight wasn't bloody.

The brunette knocked, leaning forward on the door. He heard the small conversation of the TV, possibly the news.. then the slight steaming of a pot of tea. The house was really heartwarming, surprisingly. Probably another trick?

The door opened, Nagito smiled the kindest he could. His hair was tied behind his neck, an apron on. Despite being older, his skinny figure still managed to make him stumble over himself,, and his pale soft skin.. covered in powder?
He seemed to be baking... and doing a really bad job of it.

The smell of smoke puffed through the air, and the kettle began to spew out. The once calm adult turned around and fumbled everything-

"Come inside! Ah- damn.. my luck- give me a second while I fix lunch!"

Shuichi eyed his newfound partner, hoping he'd know. But instead, he noticed his expression completely relaxed. He even looked... happy? The detective was great at reading faces.. and Hajime was clearly flustered. He fixed up his tie and hair, awkwardly taking a seat.

"You okay?" Asked the detective, noticing how entranced he was getting at such a simple task. Well, for Nagito's level.

At last, Nagito brushed off the sweat over his forehead, setting down a plate of cookies.

It didn't seem poisonous, maybe a bit overcooked? Shuichi dove in first, biting into it.

Hajime followed, gushing. "Wow, Nagito! I didn't know you could bake!"

Post Game Au! ☆Saiouma☆ {Angst Slowburn}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें