Chapter 21

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I had a hard time concentrating in my classes the rest of the day because I was too busy figuring out why Easton wanted to come over later. The more I thought about this crazy-ass idea, the more I realized I needed to stop it fast. I had no right to ask him to help me, especially since he wanted to be with Savannah. 

Sam was waiting for me by the car after school, looking down at her phone. Easton's car was already gone. Blakely's car was gone as well. I made my way to my car as everyone drove to the exit. 

"Do you know if Mom and Dad are going out tonight?" I asked, walking around the front of my car. 

"I think Mom said they were heading over to Dad's boss's house for dinner tonight or something. I can't remember exactly. Why?" She asked, looking over the roof of the car. 

"Easton said he was going to come over around seven." 

"He likes you." She smiled. 

"He doesn't like me. We're just doing this to get rid of Aaron." 

"Yeah. That may be the case now. But you can definitely tell he likes you. So, you can say whatever you want. Everyone can see it." 

Everyone could see it; the thought echoed in my head as a big lump formed in my throat, and my heart pounded, making it hard to hear anything around me. I stood there frozen between my opened door and car, unable to slide down into the driver's seat. 

"Chelsi, you okay?" Sam asked. "Chelsi?" 

"Huh?" I finally answered after a couple of times her saying my name.

"You okay?" 

"Yeah." I slid down into the driver's seat. I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I wasn't ready to go home yet, so I took us to get coffee before we went home. I didn't go to Lilli's because I didn't remember how to get there. And I didn't want to look like I was stalking Easton either. It sounded like there was enough gossip going around about us already, and I didn't need to add any more to it. 

"I'm so sick of casseroles. But I'll eat whatever Mom throws in the oven for us tonight." Sam rolled her eyes, sipping on her iced latte. 

"I know. I'm sick of them too. Nothing else tomorrow; we'll go out and get something to eat." I smiled, taking a drink of mine. 

We got home about fifteen minutes later, and sure enough, there was some kind of casserole in the oven. We didn't say anything negative about the casserole. Instead, we both went straight up to our rooms and acted like we were starting on our homework. Well, Sam was acting like it; I was really starting on mine since Easton was coming over later to talk. Then again, I wasn't getting much done because I was too preoccupied with trying to figure out why Easton wanted to come over later. 

"Chelsi?" Mom knocked on the door. 


"The casserole will be ready to come out in about thirty minutes. Dad and I won't be home until late." She closed the door behind her. 

"Love you too," I said to the closed door. Then, I grabbed my phone and texted Blakely to see what she was doing while I waited for Mom and Dad to leave for the night. She texted me right away, telling me she was doing her homework while waiting for her dad to get home because they were to have family night. So I told her I was waiting for my parents to leave for the night. She then asked when Easton was supposed to come over later. I told her around seven tonight. We texted back and forth for a few more minutes until I heard the front door close; I peeked out my bedroom window to make sure they were backing out of the driveway and heading down the road. I gathered up my books and headed down to the family room, so I could finish my homework and take the stupid casserole out of the oven when it was done. Sam came downstairs about fifteen minutes later, asking if Mom and Dad had left; I told her yes if she wanted to come down here and do her homework. She told me she came down to get a drink but to let her know when it was time for dinner. I also asked Sam on her way to the kitchen for a glass of sweet tea. She was halfway up the stairs when she paused and asked if Easton was still coming over tonight. I told her yes, but I didn't know why. 

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