Chapter 23

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Blakely kept her arm wrapped around mine as we walked to English class. We took our seats, not saying much to one another. We had been friends long enough that she knew I wasn't upset with her and that I would eventually tell her what was wrong. She nudged my foot when she saw Easton walk into the room. I made a conscious effort to keep my head down, hoping he wouldn't talk to me, but that was wishful thinking. 

"Chelsi, can we talk later after class?" Easton asked. 

"Sure." I peeked up at him. 

"Thanks." He walked over and took his seat before Mr. Scott walked in. Mr. Scott liked to embarrass you sometimes if you were not ready for class when he walked in to start class. Easton learned that a few times already. 

Most of the class went by in a blur, I tried to stay focused on the lesson, but my mind kept wandering to what Easton wanted to talk to me about after class. But, of course, this was my fault, and it wasn't fair to keep him trapped in a situation where he couldn't be with the girl he truly wanted to date. 

The bell rang, and I slowly gathered up my stuff as Blakely told me she would talk to me later. Easton stopped at my desk and waited for me to finish, putting my things in my bookbag. He took my bookbag as I turned to get up out of my seat. 

"Thanks. What did you want to talk to me about?" I blurted out as he handed me my book bag.  

His eyes widened. "Why are you acting so strangely toward me all of a sudden? I thought we were having fun last night." He sighed. 

"I did have fun last night. Thank you. I also have to remind myself we aren't a real couple." I whispered, looking around the room. I started walking toward the doorway. "Don't be late for your next class," I said, walking out of the classroom. 

The next class passed by in another blur, which was fine because it was Spanish, and from what I could remember, we did absolutely nothing in there. I walked out of class to find Blakely waiting for me, which was unlike her. But then again, I wasn't surprised to see her waiting for me either. She walked over to me, wrapping her arm around me, not saying a word.  

"Thanks," I whispered, resting my head on her shoulder. 

"No, problem." She whispered back. "That's what best friends are for."

"Aww, look at the two of you. So, sweet." 

"Don't let him get to you; just keep walking," Blakely said. 

"Are you really going to keep using him to make me jealous?" Aaron said, following close behind us. 

"Bitch! I'm talking to you!" He yelled. 

Easton flew out the cafeteria doors before I could respond to Aaron. "What did you say to her?" He demanded. "We all know who the bitch is here, and it's not Chelsi. So, if I were you, I'd shut the fuck up." Easton stepped in closer to Aaron. 

Aaron stood there for a few minutes glaring at Easton, then eventually backed up and walked into the cafeteria. Easton turned around to face me once Aaron was out of listening range. 

"Are you okay?" His voice was low and sincere. 

"Yes. Thank you. How did you know he was going to start trouble?" 

"I overheard him in there bragging to his asshole friends. He was bragging about how he would break us up or something; I stopped listening after the first syllable escaped his mouth." Easton took my hand without hesitation and started walking toward the cafeteria. 

I turned my head slightly over my right shoulder at Blakely, who gave me an approving smile. She had this crazy idea that Easton liked me, but I saw how he looked at Savannah. He couldn't take his eyes off her at times. Aaron used to look at me like that when we were first dating. Aaron wasn't always an asshole; he did have his good points. People tried to warn me about him and his wandering eye, but I didn't listen. I thought I could change him. The joke was on me. 

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