Chapter 7

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I know the last couple of chapters were a bit slow. I promise they will pick up. If you want me to post another chapter, vote, and comment to, let me know. 

The last bell of the day rang, letting us know we had survived the first three days of the school year and we could enjoy the weekend. I tried everything imaginable to get myself out of the party tonight, but Blakely refused to listen and informed me I was going no matter what. Basically, she was telling me tough shit. I knew there was no point in arguing with her because it wouldn't do me any good. So, against my better judgment, I was going to Avery's party with Blakely.

Sam wanted an iced latte before we went home. I wanted to go to Lilli's but knew I would never remember how to get there, so I took her to our regular place. I really didn't want an iced latte, but it would have to suffice for now.

By the time we arrived home, Mom and Dad were in the car, starting to back out of the garage. Dad stopped the car when they saw us walking up to the front of the house.

"Chelsi! You and Sam can order something for dinner tonight. We won't be home until late. Bye, girls!" Mom said, then put her window up, and they sped off down the road.

"My day was great, Mom. Thanks for asking." I mumbled all the way up the front steps.

"Sam, do you want me to take you somewhere to get something to eat before I get ready for the party tonight?" I asked, turning the lock.

"I think I'm going to go over to Ava's house tonight. Is it okay if I spend the night?" She asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Sure. I might stay the night at Blakely's house or see if she wants to stay the night here. You know Mom and Dad won't be home until super late tonight." I pressed my lips together.

I poured us a glass of sweet tea and looked to see if anything was worth snacking on. I found some tortilla chips in the pantry and salsa in the refrigerator. We sat at the island, eating chips and salsa, surrounded by the house's emptiness. Our house wasn't small; lately, it seemed bigger than normal since it was only Sam and I home. The white kitchen was always immaculate as if no one had ever cooked in it. Even the family room off the kitchen was the same; nothing was out of place or disturbed.

I asked Sam what they were going to do tonight. She wasn't for sure, but it probably included movies and junk food. I had to admit that sounded better than going to a party where my new ex-boyfriend was going to be with his new girlfriend. The mere thought of it made me cringe.

Blakely arrived a little bit before six, knocking on the door as she opened it.

"Why are you knocking?" I asked, giggling.

"I didn't want to just barge in without knocking. That's rude," She said, walking past me toward the kitchen.

She had a point, but I texted her earlier, telling her to come on in when she got here. I learned years ago that there was no point in arguing with her reasoning most of the time. I lowered my head, shaking it from side to side, then proceeded to follow Blakely into the kitchen. She was already pouring herself some tea, then walked over to the pantry.

"Do you want to get something to eat before we go to the party?" I asked, hopping up on the middle stool.

"Have you eaten anything? I noticed nothing in the oven," she said, walking back to the island with a bag of chips.

"Huh. Yeah, I warmed up some leftovers after Sam left to go to Ava's for the night. I offered to take her to get something, and that is when she told me she was going over there. Did you bring extra clothes with you? I asked, leaning back to look by the front door.

"I left them in my car. I will get them here in a little bit. Avery wants us there early, if possible, so she can hang with us before the party really gets going. Her parents are gone for the night, and Jeremy is left in charge. PARTY!" She yelled, raising her arms.

I never understood why Avery's parents left her older brother in charge of the parties. He was more of a partier than the rest of us. Most people respected him and knew not to cause trouble when he was around. He was more muscular and a little taller than Aaron, but he wasn't an asshole like Aaron. He got respect for being a decent guy until the time called for him to be an ass. Aaron was known for being an ass on and off the field.

"There will be alcohol, right?" I asked, peeking over at Blakely.

"Yes. Chelsi, you are not going to drink a lot. You don't handle your liquor that well, and I don't want to babysit you all night, either. We are going to go and have a great time. We should go and start getting ready. I promised Avery we would be there early," she said, hopping off the stool and heading for the door.

I stayed behind in the kitchen, cleaning up the chips and pouring more tea for us in my room while we got ready for the party. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears from the mere thought of the party. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, and exhaled slowly through my mouth. Any other time, I would be excited about this party. But, instead of having a great time with my friends, I'd be playing dodge the psycho ex-boyfriend most of the night. 

"Chelsi, come on! We got to get ready!" Blakely shouted, going up the stairs to my room. 

I wanted the kitchen floor to open up and swallow me so I wouldn't have to go to the party and face Aaron and his bitch-ass girlfriend. 

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