Chapter 26

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The rest of the game was more interesting since I knew Easton's number and could follow him better. The game was over before I knew it, and we won, beating the other team 45-20. Blakely and I sat there for a few minutes, letting the crowd clear out a little bit before we started down the steps of the bleachers. The closer we got to the bottom of the steps, the louder my heart pounded, making it hard to hear what Blakely was saying behind me. I had no idea where I should go or what I should do. Should I wait for him by my car, but he'd have no idea where my car would be? Then again, I didn't want to wait for him by the gate like a little puppy, either. 

"Chelsi, you are starting to freak out again." 

"Huh?" I stood there, grasping the fence, watching the team start to run off the field toward the locker room. I found myself raising up on my tiptoes, trying to find number 99 in the crowd of jerseys that were rushing past. I was kidding myself to think Easton would actually see me standing here and stop by to say something to me on the way to the locker room. Finally, my grasp loosened on the fence, and my feet lowered back down to where my heels were on the ground, and I turned to walk over to where Blakely was talking to a few of her other friends. 


I stopped in between the fence and Blakely and her friends. Blakely's eyes shot over to me, then to the fence, then back to me again. Finally, she mouthed for me to turn around. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, and slowly turned around so that I wouldn't stumble and fall flat on my face in front of Easton. At the rate my week was going, that probably would happen, and I didn't want to risk it. 

"Hi, Easton. Great game. Congrats on the win." I eased my way back to the fence. 

"Thanks." He reached up and took his helmet off. His hair was messed a little on top from all the sweat, but not much. Even though he was drenched in sweat, he was still sexy as hell, making it hard to concentrate on anything else. "Where did you park because it's going to be thirty minutes until we can leave?" 

"Alexander! Come on!" Coach yelled from across the field. 

"I got to go." He started backing away from the fence. 

"I parked across the parking lot from the gate. I'm sure you'll see me out there once everyone is gone." I laughed. 

"I'll try to hurry." He turned and ran across the field before the coach had a chance to yell at him again. 

I stood there for a few minutes and watched him run across the field. God, he looked good. Once he was right inside the locker room doors, I started to turn to head out of the stadium when I heard a familiar giggle off in the short distance. Blakely was on the other side of the gate now, smiling. 


"Nothing," She smiled bigger, placing her hands up in a surrendering motion. "You two look cute together." 

"We aren't together," I said, walking out the gate. 

"If you say so." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Something's going on, whether either of you wants to admit it yet or not. That's all I'm going to say." She turned around and started walking toward our cars. 

Nothing was going on between us, and I don't know why everyone kept saying different. I knew Easton would agree with me that nothing was going on and people were jumping to conclusions. He was basically with Savannah before I got him caught up in this whole mess, and he was going to be with her after as well. 

"Did he say where you were going to get something to eat?" Blakely asked. 


"And yes, I'll stay with you for a little bit." 


"You're welcome. Let me check your hair real quick." Blakely faced me in the opposite direction. "It still looks great." 

We sat in my car and talked for the next thirty minutes, waiting for Easton to come out of the gate. I must be out of my mind sitting here waiting on him after the game. I was getting too involved in the situation. I needed him to get rid of Aaron, that's all, nothing else. Easton was a player just like Aaron and had no intention of being with one girl, especially with me in particular when he could have Savannah.

"I see why you are falling for him; he's hot," Blakely said, looking out the front of the car. 

"Huh?" I followed her gaze. A few feet from the gate, Easton, in a tight t-shirt hugging his muscular biceps and jeans, was walking toward us. She was right; he was definitely hot. I could sit there and watch him forever, but I forced myself out of the car, so I wouldn't look stupid sitting there staring at him. Blakely quickly followed me and said she'd text me sometime tomorrow. I told her okay and waved bye to her as she turned to get into her car.

"Sorry it took me so long," Easton said, walking up. 

"Blakely stayed with me." 

"Do you want to drive, or we can take my car over there?" He pointed to his car parked to the left where we were standing. 

"How about you follow me to my house, and I drop my car off at home?" I smiled, getting in my car. "I'll give you a ride over to your car." 

Easton got in, and I dropped him off at his car. I pulled out a little way to give him enough room to back out and pull up behind me so that he could follow me to my house. Then again, I don't know why I was worried about it because he knew where I lived if we got separated on the way to my house. He backed up, and we drove toward the parking lot's exit and headed down the road in the direction of my house. I looked in my rearview mirror back at Easton every few minutes; then, I'd have to remind myself that this wasn't a real date. 

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