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A doorbell rang in the house. Y/N went to the door to answer it. When he opened it, he saw a package below.

Y/N: "Oh, could it finally be here?!"

He picked it up and went back inside the house. He set it on the table and started opening it. When he got it opened, he eyes widened in excitement.

Y/N: "It is! Resident Evil 8 Village! I've been waiting forever to try this!"

He wasted no time in taking it to his tv and setting it up. He suddenly stopped for a moment as he was about to put the disc in.

Y/N: "Wait, it's not going to bring me into the game like last time is it?"

He thought back about the time when he was in Resident Evil 2. He had met Claire, Ada and Sherry. He went to Raccoon City, killed many zombies and bioweapons, running away from Chris and his obsession of his bloodline. And finally finishing off Mr. X and William Birkin. It was a miracle of how he survived all of it. His knowledge of the game also helped. What's more he got to keep the equipment he had with him.

Y/N stayed away from another Resident Evil after he got back. Worried that he might get sucked into the Resident Evil series again. But he couldn't resist the temptation of wanting to play the latest game.

Y/N: "Nah, probably not. Besides, I got it for the Xbox One this time. So nothing should happen."

He set the disc in and it slides in. The game started up as it eventually went to the title screen. The main menu showed a scarecrow in a village.

Y/N: "Creepy, but I guess it's good way to start a horror game."

He selected new game. Next, a choice of difficulty came up next.

Y/N: "Should I go for standard? I could do casual but I don't want to make it too easy and that would be boring. I would go for hardcore but I don't want to die so many times that it would get annoying. Screw it, I'll go for standard."

He chose standard as the game started loading.

Y/N: "Okay, what do I know about this so far? From the trailers I watched, It involves this village in Romania where people are being killed by werewolves I guess, there's also a castle. Reminds me a lot of Resident Evil 4. Some guy that looks like he's from Bloodborne. And A very tall vampire lady. Oh, someone called Mother Miranda. Yeah, I think that's it." 

The game finished loading and it showed a book that read Village of Shadows. The book opens and shows a certain page.

Mia: "Long ago, a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work."

It zooms in the book and changed into an animated story.

Mia: "But the forest greeted them with a dark, cold silence, the bushes empty. Yet, determined to find the berries, the rascal broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees."

Y/N: "Coming from the trailer, I just know this story has something to do with the plot somehow."

Mia: "Mother's worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on, over vine and under branch and into the forest deep. Feeling strange eyes upon her, the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became dry."

Y/N: "Ok."

Mia: "Then the Bat Lord appeared. He greeted her warmly and bit his own wing. 'Come, child. Quench your thirst,' he said. So she drank the thick, dark blood and smiled with joy."

Y/N: "I'm not sure if you should be drinking blood from that big bat. Well actually, I've seen bigger in Zero. But still, I feel like something bad will happen."

Resident Evil Village X Male Reader (New Game)Where stories live. Discover now