Chapter 5

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The next room Y/N entered was almost as large as the previous room. There was a statue at the right side and two doors ahead. He went closer to the statue and saw a mask that can be picked up.

Y/N: "Alright, two down, two to go."

He decided to try the door on his left and unlocked it. However, that door led him back into the main hall on the second floor.

Y/N: "Oh, it led me back here. Then again, there was another door I saw earlier. Might as well try that."

He started to walk to the other side of the main hall. However, halfway there, he heard a door from the first floor opened. He looked down and Dimitrescu entering the room. Y/N quietly walked to the other door so he doesn't get spotted.

Dimitrescu: "Cassandra! Come here, now!"

He saw Cassandra appear in front of her.

Dimitrescu: "No more games! I want that man's head! Find him and kill him!"

Cassandra: "Of course, mother."

She was disappointed as she was wanting to play with him for a few more days or so.

Cassandra: "(So much for the idea of keeping him a little longer. He's become such entertaining prey.)"

Dimitrescu turned around and head to the door behind him. Cassandra looked up and saw Y/N going in the door on the right. She smirked and licked her lips.

Cassandra: "(At least I can still have some fun with him first. Oh shit, I forgot to tell mother about the other intruder. I'll tell her next time I see mother.")

Y/N unlocked the next door then entered inside. He found another statue with a mask and took it.

Y/N: "Nice. One more to go. This is getting too easy."

He turned around and saw that iron bars sealed the door.

Y/N: "Never mind. Should have known it wouldn't be simple."

He looked back at the spot and saw four slots. He had to either find another way out or find an item to set it on the statue. Y/N noticed that there was a hole in the fire place. He crawled through it and found a set of stairs. He walked through the path and found an armory on the end. But he didn't see an exit.

Y/N: "Damn it. A dead end. Maybe I can find something in here."

He looked around the area, searching for anything useful. He eventually felt a breeze coming from the other side of the shelf. He walked to it and saw that the shelf was light enough to move.

Y/N: "(Maybe I could get out this way.)"

As he moved the shelf a little, he heard iron bars closed.

Cassandra: "I found you, Y/N."

He turned and saw the last Dimitrescu daughter.

Y/N: "Shit, not you again."

She giggled as she her blade out.

Cassandra: "No where to run. Now be a good boy and come to me."

Y/N: "I keep telling you, I'm not interested in what you have planned for me."

Cassandra: "I wonder how long you can resist."

He walked back as she kept getting closer. He ended up hitting a desk behind him. He saw a pipe bomb then noticed the cracks on the window. Y/N saw that she cornered him as he had no where to run to.

Cassandra: "Finally. I've been waiting for this! To be honest, I was getting worried that my sisters would have already gotten you."

Y/N: "I ran into them but unfortunately, both of them already broke up with me." He said in a slightly joking tone.

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