Chapter ??????

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Y/N returned to the doll workshop and checked out the door at the corner.

Y/N: "Okay, let's see where this room leads me to."

He used the gold key and unlocked the door. It opened automatically and it revealed a downstairs path with no light.

Y/N: "Isn't that great, just when it couldn't get any better." He said, sarcastically.

He walked in and slowly made his way down the steps. He turned his flashlight on as he breathed heavily.

Y/N: "(There's something down here. I know it!)"

Eventually, he made it to the bottom of the steps and entered a room with a well in the middle. He saw a ladder to climb down into the well.

Y/N: "(Really? I have to go down there? You know what? Fuck it!)"

He started to climbed down the ladder. Halfway down, he turned the flashlight to the bottom and saw doll limbs in the water. He continued climbing down the ladder until he reached the bottom. He found the key hanging on the doll's finger.

Y/N: "This is key I'm looking for. Finally, now I can reunite with Donna. No, that's not what I want. Damn, I need to get out of here before this place drives me crazy."

He climbed back to top of the well then heard a baby cry while climbing.

Y/N: "(Is that a baby? Here? Or is this place playing tricks on me again.)"

He had no other option other then walking back upstairs, cautiously. The cries were getting ladder as Y/N was getting further up.

Y/N: "(I knew I was going to run into something eventually.)"

He reached back to the top of the steps and opened the door. It was dark like in the previous room. When he made it back to the workshop, he saw a red light shining above the doors. The radio was also playing as Y/N got closer to it.

Radio: "The father purchased the rifle used in the crime at his local gunstore two days earlier. This brutal killing took place while the family was gathered at home on a Sunday afternoon. The day of  the crime, the father went to the trunk of his car, retrieved the rifle and shot his wife as she was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch. His six year daughter had the good sense had the good sense to hide in the bathroom but reports suggest he lured her out by telling her it was just a game. The girl was found-"

Y/N: "I already heard about this damn story! Shut up!"

The radio stopped when he finished complaining to it.

Y/N: "Much better."

He looked down and saw a trail of blood that leads into the hall.

Y/N: "Can I not go that way?"

He tried the door into the medicine room but it was locked.

Y/N: "Nope, I have to go that way. Great!"

He walked into the hall and followed the trail. When he reached the first corner and started walking to the next corner. He saw something approaching him. It was an large monster baby slowly crawling towards Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh, shit!"

He was about to run as the baby was about to get closer but something behind grabbed it and pulled it back into the darkness of the hall.

Y/N: "Huh?"

He heard it scream soon after it was no longer seen. A few moments later, Y/N heard heavy footsteps walking towards him. He also started hearing some rap music. When Y/N got a good view, he encountered something he didn't thought he faced.

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