Chapter 11

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After a long ass time of waiting in the elevator while it goes up, it finally reached the top and Y/N stepped out of the elevator. 

Y/N: "Why does this elevator feel like it take forever?"

He walked back up the stairs and back to ground level of the windmill.

Y/N: "Okay, almost back. Now to find that stronghold."

When he stepped out of the windmill a voice behind him surprised him.

Ada: "Well you took your time."

He turned around and saw Ada leaning on the wall of the windmill.

Y/N: "Oh, hey Ada. And it's not my fault, blame the elevator."

Ada: "So, did you find what you're looking for?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just one more to get. I was supposed to head to a stronghold next."

Ada: "You better be prepared. That place is crawling with those lycans."

Y/N: "I figured as much. You coming with?"

She shrugged.

Ada: "Why not. Something tells me you might do something stupid if you go alone."

Y/N: "Hey!"

Ada: "Let's go."

They exit through the gate then headed back to the village.

Y/N: "What makes you think I do stupid things?"

Ada: "Do you want me remind you of all of those reckless stunts you did at Raccoon City and Spain?"

Y/N: "I don't recall."

Ada: "You still do them. I've been watching you for sometime."

Y/N: "Since when?"

Ada: "When you were heading to that castle."

Y/N: "Wait, does that mean you saw-"

Ada: "Yes. And you should be ashamed of yourself."

Y/N: "Hey, it's not my fault she's a tall mommy vampire lady. She has these very long sharp claws and the irresistible urge of wanting her to sit on me. Then there's these terrifying yet attractive daughters who want to fuck me- I'm not helping myself, am I?"

Ada: "No, you're not."

Y/N: "(At least she couldn't see the stuff that happened at Donna's place.)"

They made it back to the village and saw a sign that pointed left.

Y/N: "When did Heisenberg set this up?"

Ada: "He can manipulate metal. Setting this up is child's play for him."

Y/N: "Yeah, I almost forgot about that. He's like X-Men Magneto only he's dressed as a late 19th century one. So, you know anything about him?" 

Ada: "All I know is that he owns a factory west of here. Word is, he's secretly making an army there."

Y/N: "Does the lycans here not count?"

Ada: "It's an army equipped with metal attached to them but I don't believe it's to support Miranda. He seems to be making it for himself."

Y/N: "He said something about lending me a hand."

Ada: "And what do you think?"

Y/N: "The chances of it being a trap? Likely. I mean, why would he want to help me?"

Ada: "It could be he needs you for something. If he was planning to kill Miranda, he couldn't do it himself and neither could you."

They walked back to the graveyard but Y/N had to go see the Duke first. So he walked to the alter with Ada following him.

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