Chapter 11

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Reina's POV:

I saw him break the glass, but I was terrified, the man wanted me to trust him, but he was breaking glasses. I saw as he walked away holding his arm there was blood all over it, looking back at the window I saw the glass-covered in blood and a memory came.

"I don't want to go down to the basement, dad! You send me there and abuse me!" I yelled at my dad, "You bitch, how dare you disrespect me once and will get punished but you disrespect me twice I will beat you till your about to die!"

My sister kicked me making me fall down two flights of stairs to the basement. "Get the tools and meet me down there, sweetie!" My dad yelled to my sister as he walked down the stairs towards me. I was terrified.

I stood up still in pain as he pushed me then again till I landed in the chair under the light bulb hanging from the ceiling. He began tying my arms and legs to the chair and I couldn't move, I was trapped and vulnerable to anything he's going to do.

My sister came down with a briefcase placing it onto the table, those must be the tools, they've never used these on me before. She opened it and it was filled with knives, scissors, and other things I don't know of.

My dad stepped towards me swirling a knife between his fingers until suddenly he stabbed me in my right leg. I screamed in pain then he pulled it back out making it hurt 10 times more than it going in.

Blood was pouring out of my leg as my sister then began to pierce my skin around the wound with a needle and string attempting to sow it up. She was no doctor and as she went through my skin each time I screamed and cried out.

My dad punched and kicked me in the face and stomach over and over again making it the first time I broke a rib. My dad then left for ten minutes as I cried, all I did was cry. The second I heard the door open I stopped, I knew I needed to be strong.

He and my sister both came down with glass bottles in their hands and cracked them against the was my sister put goggles over my eyes and they began throwing the broken glass at me, cutting my skin and blood going everywhere.

My sister slowly and one by one pulled out the pieces knowing it would hurt more that way. My dad then untied me throwing me onto the floor where all the glass was. He dragged me by my hair and threw me into a cell.

"That will teach you not to talk back." My father said.

I woke from the little trance and saw the broken window then started to hyperventilate and saw Dr. Sharp hold a needle towards me. August looked at the window then to me and then to Dr. Sharp and gave her a nod.

I felt a sharp sting in my neck and quickly the darkness overtook me.

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