Chapter 18

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IMPORTANT STUFF GUYS!!! Please go back and read chapter 14 I have changed it and made it so she didn't get RAPED so please read it!!!!!!!

Reina's POV:

It truly was painful, but August got me into the swimsuit and onto a portable bed like the ones you find in a hospitals.

Dr Sharp then met us outside by the pool. I felt like a dying patient unable to move. The boys then came and lifted me into the pool on a floaty, when I say floaty, I mean a long piece of fabric that holds me up but still lets me lay in the water.

Pretty much like this but has a back and arm rests.

On the float Sharp had me sit in there for like an hour then we tried siting and laying to get my core going, and finally I tried of the floaty with the boys holding me up, but it hurt too much.

After we finished I had a bath, by now I'm feeling really embarrassed, August has seen me naked, she's seen everything, she knows quite a bit as well.

I can't say something cause that'll make everything awkward between us but if I say nothing then I don't get privileges like bathing and leaving the room.

By now it was dinner, cause I skipped lunch, the bath was to relaxing.

August helped me change into some pj's, finally no more scrubs. She then left to get some dinner.

"Knock, knock, deliver for one Miss Reina!" I giggled at August as she came through the door with my food. "I brought you some pasta and coke."

I said thank you and then she began to leave, before she could go, "Ummm, August? I was w-w-wondering if we could uh talk?"

"Sure Reina, just eat your food first and then we can talk. I just need to let the boys know as well so once were finished I can tell you what I need to tell you."

"That sounds great thanks August, but can you make sure they don't come in straight away." With that she walked out the door and I was left to eat my food.

The two things I need to talk to her about is privacy and Kingsley.

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