Chapter 15

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I heard footsteps come towards my door as it opened creaking loudly, I saw a figure quite large, I knew it was a man by his figure. I hid the rest of my face under the blanket and closed my eyes to scared to open them. I had to be dreaming, please tell me I'm asleep.

I felt the man sit on the bed as it sunk down, "Reina." No no no please this can't be happening, Kingsley cannot be hereafter what he heard. I have this vulnerability around him now that he knows what's happened to me and he knows I'm scared of him.

"Reina, I know you're awake!" I was way too scared to move, he practically yelled the last part. He's going to hurt me, I won't make it through the night, lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed his hand was on my shoulder until he squeezed it.

His grip on my shoulder was hard and I don't think he knows his own strength; it is definitely going to bruise. My breathing grew heavier, and I think he heard it because he let go of my arm. I was facing away from him, so I didn't know what he was doing but I heard rustling.

I was calmer than before but still terrified of what he was planning. "You don't need to worry I won't hurt you," his voice was calm yet still dominant it makes sense his the boss, "I'm going to lift the blanket off your shoulder so I can see where I grabbed you."

Without giving me any time to think he lifted the blanket revealing my already red shoulder. I was wearing a sports bra so you could see my arm and most of my chest but luckily he didn't pull the blanket off enough to see my stomach.

"Listen, Reina, your past is your past. I'm glad I know what happened to you and now I know why you're so scared." As he said this he was putting ice on my shoulder and wrapping it down. My cheeks started going pink cause of embarrassment, he can't think of me as scared.

"What exactly are you scared of though, is it getting hurt, losing someone, seeing your dad again, being abused by your sister again, or is it being sexually assaulted." Why was he saying this, I can't have this, he's going to send me back.

He grabbed my chin so I would look at him but the only thing he would be able to see is fear. My mouth started trembling and my hands were shaking. "You are so afraid it's kinda cute, but I really want to know what are you scared of?"

"Everything, I-I-I'm scared you won't leave my room a-a-and make me do things. I'm scared you're going to hurt me physically and mentally. You say you won't hurt me then you do, and I'm confused and scared."

I started blabbering but I think it worked cause his face softened, "I do care about you, and I can promise you I won't try and do things to you like your father and sister did. I can't promise I won't hurt you because there will be accidents like your shoulder but never on purpose.

I think it's better we stay away from each other just as Vincent said. I'm a complicated and dangerous man that has done some bad stuff which would most likely give you nightmares." Kingsley was a mafia boss I knew he would have done bad stuff but what kind of stuff.

"Before I leave you need to know something, I will explain it more later but for now... due to certain reasons in the mafia we need to get married." Holy shit! Wtf no he's a mafia boss. I felt the darkness take over as my head hit the pillow hard.

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