Chapter 13

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Omg after all this time he's actually here, my brother is actually in front of me. I ran out of the bed not caring about the pain in my foot, stomach, or anywhere but I jumped up and hugged him.

I felt this sort of high the type that blocks out everything and replaces it with joy and happiness. My brother picked me up, put me on the bed, and gave me an incision that sent chills down my spine relieving me from the pain.

Laying back down on the bed I saw my brother, my one and only brother. "Sir can everyone please leave, I want to speak to my sister?" my brother asked Kingsley. Kingsley then pushed everyone out of the door but before that, he came by my side.

His face had a caring and kind expression on it, "Reina, when I smashed the glass I didn't mean to scare you. I promise you I wasn't mad at you just at the situation. I hope you can forgive me." His voice was soft and loving, I nodded in response before he left.

I turned my head from the door to Vincent, he was sitting on the seat next to me holding my hand, "I've seen the scares who did this to you?" He asked me as I responded with, "It was our dad and sister, but mom couldn't do anything."

He rubbed my hand making me feel calmer when he said, "Kingsley told me I got shot and was brought back here where I was in a coma but he, he never told me what happened to you because I don't want this life for you. I want you out."

"I don't know everything, but he said something about a rival mafia having a photo of me then they tried to take me away until Kingsley's men killed him, I think his name was Valentino. They then brought me here and helped me."

"At any time did he hurt you?" When Vincent asked, I didn't know how to answer do I tell him how he got me out of bed and smashed the glass even though it was an accident. I decided to tell him, but I made sure he knew it didn't really hurt me and all is forgiven.

"Now that I know your safe, I have to go on a mission," I was about to say something until he kept on going, "don't worry about me. I've told Kingsley I didn't want him seeing you until I get back so August, Dr. Sharp, and the rest of the boys will take care of you."

I didn't want him to leave but Kingsley is a scary guy so I understand, "I understand but when do you leave and when will you be back?" "I leave now and will be back in 4 days. I love you little sis and I'll see you in 4 days." I gave him a hug before he left.

The entire night I stayed in the room and didn't want to talk to anyone. I was scared to fall asleep cause I didn't want to have a nightmare. I watched all 5 of the twilight movies and then realized it was light.

Dr. Sharp came into my room and gave me a little check-up then left without even saying a word. About an hour later August came in, "Hey Reina, Sharp told me you have 6 weeks of no weight bearing on the leg then 4 times a week for 4 weeks of physio. Then your all better."

"Th-th-that's forever though. What about my ribs?" I was scared of the answer to this. "In a week we'll get you out of the bed and in a wheelchair for another 4 weeks, then crutches depending on your strength after that."

She gave me a look that asked me if I wanted her to continue so I just nodded, "for the crutches period which is only a week you will most likely spend it in bed. Another thing I wanted to discuss was your period, as in the blood thing."

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