Nine (His pov)

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I spent the day showing her papers and emails and bills. I showed her who we work with and our suppliers as well as our competitors.

She sat across my desk facing me typing away on my computer while I went through papers and notes.

"Do you have a claw clip or something?" She asked looking up at me.

"No I but I think I know who does." I said and dialed on the phone.

"Claw clip for the lady please Mrs. Poach." I chuckled.

"Oh of course! I've gotten her smoothie as well. Beautiful woman she's become." She said excited.

"So beautiful and thank you lovely." I smiled.

"Oh your welcome dear. I'm coming." She said before hanging up.

"Aren't you cozy with her." Lore chuckled.

"She is an outstanding woman and worker." I nodded.

After their little meet up I loved Marine more myself. I liked her before quite a lot. Reminded me of a sweet grandmother.

A knock fell onto my door and she walked in.

"An angel." I smiled and Lore looked at her while she set the smoothie down.

"Pineapple mango." She said and Lore smiled.

"Thank you very much." She said sweetly shining a gorgeous smile.

"Of course keep working honey let me handle your beautiful mane." The elder lady laughed.

Lorena looked foreword and typed again while Marine clipped her hair up making it appear tidy yet effortless.

"Thank you." I smiled and she kissed the side of Lore's head.

"My pleasure Mr. Creed." She nodded walking to me dropping the black box, leaving and shutting my door.

I sat back and watched her work while biting her lip at times. She sipped on her smoothie but was in her own bubble not realizing I had been watching her for a while. Her blue dress with her pale skin was sexy itself but the cleavage threatened drool to leave my mouth. Her breasts were my perfect handful and looked so soft.

Some loose hairs fell out over time and framed her pale face. I took her smoothie and drank a bit from it placing it back down and she didn't seem to mind as her fingers rapidly clicked keys.


It's 9:00 and I could see her getting less active but not sleepy or less focused.

"Done." She smiled.

"With what part?" It was a presentation for a new idea.

"All of it." She smirked.

I pulled the laptop quickly to see what she's done.

"My god Lore." I muttered.

Pure genius.

"You did the math in your head of the world population per average cost the fuck. I can't even do that myself." I was in awe.

"I'm hungry." She mumbled.

"I bet. Let's go get food." I said sharing the presentation with David.

"I'll have Dave take the lead of the presentation if you want the beginning of the day to just chill." I said and she nodded.

"I'd be fine with that." She nodded and I took my laptop as well as her hand and left the place.

I drove and looked at her.

"What made you sleep last night?" I asked seeing if she knew.

"I think I found my narcolepsy cure." She smiled.

TV? Warmth? Sleeping at 3?

"Well that's good. What is it?" I asked.

"I'll cook for dinner." She smiled at me.

Alright then. Be that way.

We got home and walked inside.

"Favorite dish?" She asked.

"I'm a sucker for Italian." I smiled.

"Mmm okay." She hummed and looked around.

"Do I have hair ties?" She asked.

I pulled my sleeve back and pulled one off.

"I could've used that instead of bothering Mrs. Poach." She pouted.

"Baby Marine picked up your smoothie and loved putting your hair up." I smiled.

"Yea." She mumbled and I walked to her becoming awfully close.

"Turn around?" I asked.

She did and I took out the clip and twirled her waved hair in my fingers putting it in a messy ponytail. I pulled out the black box and put my arm around her body showing her the small necklace.

"Oh that's beautiful." She gasped.

"I know it's small but I think it'll compliment your collar bones awfully well. This is for not ruining my favorite watch." I chuckled and realized how close I was to her ear making her skin rise.

"Can you put it on?" She asked.

I removed it from the box and moved her ponytail to the side of her shoulder. I wrapped it around her delicate neck and clipped the back.

 I wrapped it around her delicate neck and clipped the back

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"It's so pretty." She smiled turning and looking up at me while holding it.

"You haven't even seen it on you yet." I laughed.

"I know but thank you." She smiled wrapping her arms wound my neck and I was surprised but wrapped my arms around her waist wishing I could pull her closer to my body.

"Of course. It suits you very well." I smiled as she let me go.

She ran over to the bathroom and gasped.

"Awe it's so cute! I love it." She yelled at me and came back over.

"I'm glad." I chuckled hiding any blush that could possibly creep onto my face.

"Italian." She hummed and began moving around the kitchen.

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