Sixteen (Her pov)

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I shaved my legs and wherever else I needed before getting out of the shower and raking the leave in conditioner through my ends.

I made sure the towel was tucked in because my ass was freezing. I clipped my hair up and walked across the hall to Killian's room knocking on his door.

"Come in." He said and I walked in as his towel clung low to his waist and his hand raked through his black locks.

"What's up doll?" He smiled at me and I thought I was gonna pass out.

"Uhm I'm cold. Can I have some of your clothes?" I asked staring at his veiny V-line that led to something I'm sure was drool worthy.

"Of course. Pick what you want." He nodded and I walked to his dresser peeking through drawers until I found the sweats and I grabbed a pair.

"Hoodies?" I asked and he watched me with a smile.

"Closet." He said and I spun around opening it and grabbing a white sweater hoodie with no hood thing.

He smiled at me while I looked at him and he came toward me pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"Come show me when you're dressed." He whispered, his mint breath like a smack in the face. I got on my tip-toes and pressed my lips to his gently before leaving and trying to rid of the jittery butterflies in my stomach.

I put on underwear and the grey sweats not knowing how the drawstrings worked because it was like it was already twisted without the first knot. I'm so confused.

I put on the top and walked to his room knocking again.

"Come in." He said and I walked in as he leaned back on his wall looking at me with a smile as I held up the pants. He wore a black wife-beater that clung to his body and grey sweats like I did but mine were darker.

"I need help." I mumbled and he smiled signaling me over with his fingers.

I walked to him holding up the pants.

"These are the Nike brand so they're already crossed. Tie them like normal just don't do the first step. Look." He said and I held the shirt up as he tied them for me then hooked his fingers in the sweats feeling how he tied them.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yes thank you." I looked up at him meeting his black eyes.

"You're so damn beautiful." He mumbled looking down at me.

"Come do my hair." I smiled and grabbed his pinky walking him to my bathroom.

I unclipped my wet hair and he brushed it out.

"Another braid?" He asked.

"Yes please."

"Always so polite." He smiled looking at my head but I watched him in the mirror.

"Manners are a good way to get my way. Or calling you daddy. Both work well." I shrugged and he laughed working with my hair.

"Very true. Do I get to work tomorrow?" He asked.

"From home. Then it's the weekend and we can go to work next week." I said and he nodded.

"Work-alcoholic." I said and he chuckled.

"I own a business babygirl there isn't much time for a day off." He said.

"Of course there is. Self care days. People need those. I can tell you haven't had one in a good while besides I fucked your sleep so it was necessary." I said proudly.

"I like being nocturnal with you." He grinned and I smiled at him in the mirror as he tied up my hair.

"Thank you." I smiled and he bent down putting his chin on my shoulder and placing his warm hands on my stomach under my or his shirt.

"Warm." I smiled and he kissed the side of my face.

"Let's go to bed." He said and turned off the light.

"Can we go in yours? It's dark." I asked and he nodded.

He held onto my pinky with his large one and grabbed my small blanket before going to his room.

I lied myself down on the black silk and he about lied with me.

"Take off the shirt." I mumbled.

"Why?" He asked with a smile.

"You're warmer without it." I said and he took it off pulling my body into his before dimming the lights with an app thing.

I had my forehead and hands on his chest as his arms held me. I held onto my blanket and kept it under my head like a pillow.

"Sleep well Lore." He whispered.

"You too Killian." I said back and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes feeling my body warm. I saw the TV on and a laptop near my eyes.

I placed my hand on the surface of the thing holding me and I saw Killian smiling at me with a glare in his glasses.

I sighed and relaxed into his lap feeling his hand rake through my braided hair gently pushing back loose hair.

"Good morning." He said gently.

"Mmm." I hummed and moved the laptop on my side of his mattress and scooted closer to him craving his body temperature.

He chuckled and pulled me onto his lap. My head was on his chest and he covered my body with a cover also covering his.

I leaned into his body and felt goosebumps coat my cold skin.

"Tired?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's alright. Go back to sleep if you can." He said rubbing my back and placing a kiss on my hair.

Why not be so generous?

"Thank you daddy." I whispered softly placing a hand in his chest.

"Damn." He chuckled as blackness hit me again.

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