Ten (Her pov)

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Another shitty night. A clear night this time letting me see the stars. I didn't go outside but I cracked the door wanting a breeze of some sort.

I crawled back into bed. I tossed and became a bit restless. I didn't want to wake him up but I did. I think he helped me fall asleep. I'm not positive but I'm nearly sure of it.

I felt so bad for fucking his sleep up. Speaking of the devil.

"You alright Lore?" Killian knocked and I threw my arm over my face. He sounded like I just woke him.

I got out of bed and opened the door.

"I'm sorry I woke you. That door is effortlessly loud." I whispered and looked at his shirtless frame.

"I made it that way. I had a feeling it would be used often." He smiled and I felt really bad.

"I'm really sorry for waking you." I whispered and he walked closer to me.

"Have you slept yet? At all?" He asked and I shook my head no.

He grabbed my hand lightly and he was so warm.

"What're we doing?" I asked.

"Sleeping." He whispered and climbed into my bed pulling me onto it and pulling me to him.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Only 2." He mumbled and put his bicep under my head as a pillow. I was curled up into his chest and he smelt like bar soap and masculine deodorant. He grabbed my blanket and held it to the side of my face. I placed my hands on his chest and he shivered.

"Your skin is so cold." He whispered.

"I know. Yours is super warm." I whispered back.

"I might have to strangle you with a cover if you don't warm up." He laughed lightly.

"Awe. At least let me wear the necklace for a day." I fake pouted.

"Good point. You just made yourself live a day more." He teased.

"When did you fall asleep?" I asked.

"Only an hour ago." He mumbled and I traced his tattoos.

"Sorry I keep fucking up your sleep." I whispered.

"Sleep isn't my largest priority right now." He said and I nodded curling up more into his body.

"I don't think you can get any smaller love." He chuckled.

"Yes I can. You are only human in existence who makes me feel small so shh." I whispered and he smiled showing his white teeth.

I ducked into him more but pulled my head back on his arm a little and I began touching his messy hair. It was dry and very soft.

"Do you use conditioner?" I asked.

"Mmhm." He hummed and it felt like his stomach growled with how much I moved. Like lying on a purring lion.

"Your hair is super soft. It looks really handsome messy like this." I said and he chuckled.

"I'm surprised you haven't told me to shut up yet." I whispered.

"I like your voice." He mumbled and I looked at his face when it had no expression. He was gorgeous. His nose was soft but still pointed, jaw sharp, cheekbones high, and the most perfect eyelashes. Fuck that.

"I want your eyelashes." I mumbled.

"I'll give them to you when I die." He whispered.

"We only have a three year age difference. Other than natural death I'd have a higher chance of dying before you." I smiled and he opened his eyes looking at me with a straight face.

"No." He said before closing his eyes again.

"How come?"

"You have me now. We protect each other. Partners in crime and all that jazz." He said and I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Hearing your voice say all that jazz is funny."


"Because it's really deep." I smiled.

"That's what she said." He mumbled.

"Dirty mind." I whispered.

"Only a little." He chuckled.

"I'm so confused on how you aren't annoyed with me right now. Aren't you grumpy when your tired?" I asked.

"Not to you." He smiled.

"Bizarre." I said.


"You have a lot of patience."

"Only with you."

"I'm special." I said smugly.

"You are."


"I'm not sure." He muttered.

"Go to sleep now I'll be quiet." I mumbled.

"Hum." He said after five minutes of my silence.


"Hum something." He said again.

"Any movies you've seen and liked the song?" He asked.

"Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 Turning Page by Sleeping At Last." I said and he smiled.

"Specific. Hum." He said and I put my head down till my forehead was on his chest and I began humming the instruments.

"Beautiful." He muttered but I didn't respond.

Not to long after I felt relaxed and sleep overtook me.

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