Thirteen (His pov)

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Kasey. Whore. Skank. Slut. Bitch. Cunt. Dick eater. Trash. God the words.

I look at Lorena who already seemed to know what I was thinking.

Kasey came and sat on the seat by me.

"It's been so long sir! Who's this bitch?" She smiled twirling her nasty straw looking blonde hair in her fingers.

Lorena sat back and pulled the cherry from the Shirly Temple off the stem and into her mouth.

"Hello are you deaf?" Kasey squealed loudly in my ear.

Lorena just smirked at Kasey and didn't speak.

"Whatever. Hi sir." She smiled sitting on my lap and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"To tell this bitch to get me a shot." She laughed.

"Oh I'll get one for you." Lore smiled but something was sinister about it.

She walked to the bar and my head was tugged on my the bitch on me and she laughed.

"Miss me?" She mumbled.

"No actually." You do this every time.

Lore walked behind her yanking her head back my her hair and dumping the shot on her face and it went into her nose and eyes. That has to burn.

"You bitch! What's your name I'm gonna report you!" Kasey stood screaming and coming near Lorena. Her height was no match for the dime who smiled at her.

"Lorena Vile. Tell someone I dare you." She smirked.

"Killian won't you help me? It hurts so bad." She cried and I stood standing behind Lore and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What the fuck? Is that your new slut?" She said upset. She was on the verge of literal tears.

I smiled and Lorena giggled.

"I'm not a slut honey. You've downed every dick you've been offered. Go wash your nasty hair. I had better hair than you when I was homeless." She said and dissed herself in the process.

"Why do you even like her Kill? She was homeless!" She sobbed.

"I'm about to say something to piss her off but don't take it like that please love." I whispered in Lorena's ear.

"Her pussy isn't as open as a fanned out garbage bag. I don't have to fake it. Nothing you would understand though. You should probably shower and go to sleep. You look tired." I nodded.

"Fine." She sniffled and walked away.

I kept my arms around Lorena.

"You didn't take that personally did you?" I asked.

"No it was funny." She smiled looking up at me and I laughed.

"That is a human I'd love to forget. Hookups are bad. Especially when you break it off and they know all the places you go." I nodded.

"She seems like a peach." She smiled and I kissed her forehead.

"I want more maraschino cherries." She whispered and I laughed.

"Do you enjoy them?" I asked.

"They are my favorite sweet thing. I'm not a specific fan of gummies or chocolate or hard candies although I do love them. Too sweet for me though." She over explained and I nodded.

"Come with me. We will come back don't worry." I said and she grabbed my hand as I untangled myself from her waist and pulled her to the storage room.

I pulled open a fridge and maraschino cherry jars were stacked.

"Wow." Lorena smiled.

"Take one." I said and she looked at me.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"We have a ton." I nodded.

She grabbed a jar and hugged me forgetting to close the fridge but I hugged her back. When she let go I shut the fridge and handed her a plastic fork.

We went back to the spot and she opened the jar popping a few into her mouth and sipping on the cherry infused sprite.

"Good?" I asked and she stuck her tongue out at me that was now dyed red.

"Nice." I laughed and she offered me one off her fork. I took it and chewed the sweet processed fruit.

"Good?" She asked with her mouth full.

"Yummy." I laughed. She had her legs crossed and I observed her body. She was a beautiful woman stuffing her face with cherries. What a sight.

"You look very attractive." I laughed when her cheeks were full and the jar was already halfway gone.

She chewed quickly and tried swallowing them but ended up laughing and spilling the red juice part on herself making us both lean forward and begin a fit of laughter.

I handed her a paper towel as it dripped down her chin and chest.

She couldn't stop laughing as she shakily wiped herself off and was able to swallow the cherries.

"My nose." She laughed.

She took a drink of the sprite before taking a deep breath.

"That was fun." She nodded.

"Incredibly. Wanna head out?" I asked.

She looked at me and paused eating.

"Bring the cherries you dork." I chuckled and she smiled.


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