Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen 


I awoke gasping. My eyes wide and my breathing deep.

I had to find her. This wait was killing me, I needed her more than ever. She was in the hands of rogues again, Fates! I can't even beginning to think of how she's handling this. How she handled everything life has thrown at her. My mate. My beautiful mate is indeed the strongest of the strong. She survives through nearly everything that life could hand to her and yet she comes out without any bitterness but with a heart full of kindness. 

I had to find her. 

I had to save her. I had to grovel and beg. I'd get on my knees and beg like a fucking low class wolf but I'd beg and beg. I'd spend the rest of my life dedicated to her happiness. 

We were running again and yet again I was in the lead, but this time I was running faster than before. 

I curse myself for the millionth time. 

Things were just turning around, we were moving forward and now? Now we were ten steps behind. 

I only prayed to the Great Luna that the rogues just abducted her to ransom, that she was alright, safe and sound.



It had been an hour or so since I'd awoken. But unlike the other times I'd waken I didn't scream nor shout. I didn't look around for an escape route or anything. I sat there staring at the wall in front of me, blankly. I had no care if they beat me to unconsciousness or if they killed me in the slowest possible way. I had given up. 

I was a stupid little girl who was naive. Nothing in this world is ever going to turn out right for me. I'd always sit in my room, I scoff inwardly, should I even call it a room? I spent hours in that small confined room thinking and questioning the Great Goddess what I ever did to anger her. Why was I given the life I had. Had I done something bad? Or was I being punished for my mistakes in my past life. 

Now, I don't even bother questioning. I can successfully say that I've been through the greatest and most painful tortures the world has to offer. Whether it be emotional, physical or mental abuse, I've experience it all to the greatest extent.

Now I was done.

"Well well well. Look who's awake. No screaming today oh great Luna?" I heard the sickening voice of the rogue laughing at his pathetic joke. His laughter echoed throughout the cell but I didn't even flinch nor blink an eye. 

"Look at me when I talk to you bitch!" I felt a sharp pain as he struck my right cheek. My head flung to left at the impact but I didn't dare cry out. 

He grabbed my hair, pulling my head back as he looked me in my eyes. They were filled with rage and bloodlust. He was going to kill me. Good. I was ready to die, and I was sure as hell ready to beg for death if need be. 

He knocked my chair over with me still tied to it, kicking me repeatedly in my stomach. I didn't cry out, but grunts did leave my throat at the harsh impacts. He didn't stop. He kept his beating going for I don't know how long. But it didn't last long enough. He was interrupted before he could kill me. I was almost ready to cry. 

There were snarls and growls coming from above. Shout and screams. 

"What the hell is going on up there?" I heard him mumble. I had no idea what he was doing. My eyes were swollen shut and I had no energy to attempt to open them. I felt him grab my face. 

"I'll be right back oh Luna, stay here." His voice was full of amusement, as much as I wanted to die, I couldn't even register how beating a helpless women to death could seem amusing. 

I don't know how long I'd lain there, tied sitting in a fallen chair. But it wasn't long before someone came into the cell. And if I could, I would have screamed and shouted for him to stay away yet I wanted to melt and collapse with relief as well. 

"Ellie!" Aiden's concerned and pain-filled voice brought both hurt and relief to my broken body and soul.


What's your all time favourite book? Wattpad novel and published novel!

I have way too many on wattpad but here are my favourites  (the ones i reread and the ones i'm anxiously waiting for updates!) not in order

- Float by ToastedBagels -- not werewolf 

- My Soon to be Mate by Treasurebox -- werewolf -- THIS PERSON NEEDS TO UPDATE LIKE I LOVE THIS BOOK AND IT'S BEEN 2 YEARS!!

- All the books about greek mythology and the book Highland Fairytale by AeithSage

Noww my published book:

I loveeeee The Lunar Chronicles by Merissa Meyer holyyy shit balls that series is amazing!



aha thats all hehe! I'm sure there's more but those are the ones on the top of my head....TELL ME YOUR FAVOURITES!! 

I try to reply to as many comments as I can but I do read all of them! 



love you guys! <3

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