Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty Four


Two Months Later...

I folded the blanket, setting my bed in a neat manner. I used to never set my bed but now it's just a habit. My head snaps to the right as I hear Aiden awake in the room next to me. He always did that for some reason. No matter what time it was, early at 6 am or later in the morning at 10 am, he'd always awake a couple minutes after I did.

We didn't share a room anymore. We did before, when we tried to be mates. But now, we realized there was a big rift between us that we needed to conquer before we actually become mates.

After we had come home two months ago, I was sent straight to the pack infirmary where I stayed for about 3 weeks, Aiden by my side. I had frequently asked him to go back to his alpha duties but he insisted that the pack understood and that Jace and Lucas, the Gamma, were taking care of it. And even when I asked him to leave the room more times then I can count he left with a hurt and understanding expression but always came back.

I'm glad that I was no longer stuck there with needles injected into my skin and the pack doctor coming back over and over again to check my vitals. Often times, I was glad when the doctor came in, that meant I was alone with Aiden. And although he left when I needed the privacy, it was still too early to be near him so much.

I sighed. I knew thing would come together slowly. Once finished setting my bed up and fretting up in the bathroom I headed downstairs. Breakfast was already set on the long table we had and I took my place to the first of the Alpha chair, in the Luna's seat. The chores around here worked differently now. And it was run through me.

I had the pack house divided into four sections, in relation to the four directions of the world. Each week two sections were responsible for the chores. One was responsible for the cleaning and laundry while the other was responsible for all the cooking and pack children.

And so far it was working marvellously.

I was just about to take a bite into my bagel when Aiden walked in and took his seat. He gave me his usually happy grin and addressed the pack members present with a good morning. I gave him a small smile in return.

Biting into my bagel I concentrated on my breakfast.

"So, um Ellie. What plans do you have for today?" My eyes shot up to meet Aiden's with his question. He asked me this every day.

Swallowing my food down and taking a quick sip of the orange juice I answered him, "Just going to hang out with Bella and Elise." Elise was a she wolf that I'd met when I was in the infirmary, she had come in hysterically when her seven year old daughter fell out of a tree and wouldn't wake up. Since her wolf hadn't emerged yet, her healing was very slow. We had bonded as she waited for Blaire to wake up and as I was dying of boredom.

"Right." He nodded with a small smile.

"Are we still up for later on or...?" Yet another question he always asked me.

"Of course" I smiled. It was cute that he was subconscious that I'd cancel on our long evening walks. Truly those were the moments where we were slowly improving our relationship.

Aiden had stayed true to his word. He didn't approach or behave like a intimately romantic mate with me at all. He was developing that key trust and emotionally inmate relationship that mates had. Ours had broken several times in the past year and I truly didn't trust nor love him like a mate should. We were to become the best of friends like we were when we were kids.

Four Months Later (Six Months Since Kidnapping)...


"Come in Jace" I say at the knock on my office door. I had scented Jace headed this way a couple minutes ago as I was working on a report for the import and export business that the pack runs.

"Good Afternoon Alpha" Jace bowed his head and turned his head to the left, showing his submission and respect to his Alpha. Since we were kids, Jace had always been the respectable and formal one among the two of us.

"You know better than to call me Alpha when we're alone Jace. Now what's brought you here?"

"I need to get away for a while" His form was still rigid and tense. I could tell this was a serious matter and that it took a lot of will power on his part to come to this decision.

"Can I assume this is because of Belle?" I spoke slowly.

If it were possible his stance went even more tense. Yes. This was definitely because of his little mate. Speaking of mates, mine, unfortunately, is still keeping her distance from me. It's understandable, she's building roots and starting fresh, and she sure as hell wouldn't want to do it with the person who was responsible for her devastating past years, mate or not. Although, throughout the day we hardly ever ran into each other physically (she's always on my mind) we do have our evening walks through the forrest trails.

We're trying to rekindle that connection we lost. Slowly and patiently. We would walk for as long as we could, talking and laughing about whatever came in mind. In those walks, our past is forgotten and we're just mates trying to get to know each other. And then, as the sun sets and the sky turns a beautiful orange pink, we shift and let our wolves take over.

"I can't be around her while she's still a pup." Jace spoke, pulling me back into reality.

"She'll be a mature wolf in a couple months Jace. Her birthday is almost Five months away." I reason with him.

"That's too long. I'm not that strong." I sigh. There was no winning this argument.

"Where do you plan on going?"

"I suppose I could finally take up Javier's offer." I was shocked. Jace had been avoiding and declining Javier's offer for almost four years now.

Javier was one of Cedric Baldwin, Alpha Prince's top warrior's, son. He was one of the best warriors our Were world knows. He was very young as well, only 23 years of age. All alpha's went to him and his family's boot camp to train. When I had gone, I had brought Jace with me and Javier had seen the potential in him. He and been sending his offer every year, in case Jace changed his mind.

"I guessing you'll be gone for more than five months?"

"Yes. I'll be back four years."  

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