On the Matter of Wands

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Recap: Taking another steadying breath and her mother's hand in her own, Ivy stepped out of the small side-alley that the floo-network building led to, out into Diagon Alley itself. And oh what a sight it was.

As Ivy and Kyria stood hand in hand on the edge of Diagon Alley, they both surveyed the madness that stood in front of them. Witches and Wizards in cloaks of every color and pattern bustled about in a crowd so thick that it was remarkable to watch them all move as fast as they did. The street was full with the shouts of parents who had lost sight of their children and store workers trying to sell their wares to the rush of families.

Like the proud Stone women that they were, neither pairs eyes betrayed even the faintest flicker of surprise or concern, but as they both held on tighter to each others hands under the cover of their long sleeves, and felt both their heart rates pick up in sync, and they both knew what the other was thinking, as they felt it keenly themselves.

"I suppose I should acclimate to being around so many people, it does seem to be doomed to be my fate." Ivy's poor attempt at a joke may have fallen flat in any other company, but her mother gave her hand another quick squeeze and let a dry chuckle out.

"Better you than me," Kyria's eyes twinkled mischievously, but before Ivy could get out more than a squeaked protest, her arm was tugged by her mother who plowed bravely ahead into the crowds, calling out behind her, "alright let's get this done and dusted, I already feel I need a large pot of tea and a rest and we haven't even entered our first shop."

Resigning herself to her mother's determined pace, Ivy allowed herself to relax slightly, and focus on the magic surrounding her. It was stunning to watch all the various bits and ends zooming above head, see the children run in front of their parents, chattering excitedly, and hear the occasional seller say something vaguely startling like "Dungbombs! Get your Dungbombs! Prank your friends before they can prank you! Only two sickles for a pair of Dungbombs!"

As she made a silent vow to herself that the first person to prank her with a dungbomb was getting blasted with entomorphis (insect jinx) on the spot, Kyria continued to pull her arm, and in true Stone fashion, never slowed or hesitated once, despite having never been to Diagon Alley before. Before long, they came to a brief stop outside of a large white building with three floors of pillars adorning the outside.

Cocking her head to the side with a slightly quizzical look, Kyria leaned down to Ivy a bit before whispering, "Do you think they meant to build it so... lopsided? Seems a bit unsteady doesn't it? Odd folks these wizards." Shaking her head, she straightened back up as Ivy fought to swallow the unlady-like snort that she had been trying to get out since her mother had begun surveying the building.

From the inside of Ivy's bag, Stheno tried to poke her head out, making Ivy laughed and turned towards the snake. In an incredibly hushed voice she whispered to the serpent, "Back in with you, I'll let you roam about soon, but I hardly think a bank will be thrilled at me walking in with a snake wrapped around me. And don't give me that look, I know you're a darling but they don't." Stheno hissed dramatically at Ivy before pulling her head back into the satchel begrudgingly. Laughing again at the drama of her pet, Ivy straightened up and smiled at her mother.

The pair composed themselves and resumed their walk, brusquely entering through the large front doors into the vast marble hall, with the tall desks lining each side of the center-walk. Neither Ivy nor Kyria had ever seen Goblins before, but as interested as they felt, their curiosity was immediately defeated by their deeply-ingrained sense of propriety and manners.

It was never polite to stare, and even if one of the Goblins had leapt up onto his desk and begun to tap dance, their eyes would never have strayed anywhere but to the one desk at the front of the room where the head-Goblin sat.

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