Picnics and Preparations

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The next morning, Kyria, Ivy and Theo got dressed early, then set off to meet Blaise, Antonella, Draco and Narcissa. Pansy hadn't been able to come along, much to everyones dismay, but Ivy had comforted her with the thought that if everything went well, she'd soon be leaving for four whole weeks.

Their driver rolled to a stop in front of a large brick wall, and Ivy stepped out behind her mother, a bit confused. Kyria walked up to the wall and pressed her hand up against the brick, murmuring something under her breath, before knocking sharply on the wall once.

She took a step back, and the brick where she had just been standing seemed to liquefy and melt away, leaving a large, black iron gate in its stead. Ivy's eyes widened and she shared a grin with Theo. Magic never got old to her, it was always incredible.

Two attendants opened the gate from the inside and bowed to the trio as they walked through. Ivy gasped slightly at the sight in front of her. She had been sure that only train tracks lay behind the wall, but as she looked around now, she was in some of the largest, most lush and beautiful gardens she'd ever seen.

At the end of the walk lay a large glass conservatory, and Ivy and Theo sped into a run as they saw Blaise and Draco already waiting with their mothers. Their increased speed quickly turned into a silently agreed upon race, and they ran faster and faster, laughing as they tried to shove each other over or manoeuvre their competitor into one of the trees that stood beside the path.

When they reached the awaiting group, they were breathing incredibly hard, and they couldn't even manage to get out a hello to an amused looking Draco and Blaise.

With a sudden grimace, Ivy realised they had fully abandoned Kyria to walk up on her own, but one glance told her that her mother was laughing at their antics.

By the time they'd regained normal breathing patterns, Ivy and Theo were joined by Kyria, who smiled sweetly at them, before turning to the two women standing in front of her.

"Narcissa, Antonella, it's lovely to see you both. Blaise and Draco, likewise." The group exchanged their reciprocated formalities, then headed into the conservatory, which Ivy now saw was host to a beautiful tea and luncheon room.

They all took a seat, but before long it became evident that the younger ones talking and giggling was not conducive to either the quiet attitude of the room or their mother's attempt at a civil conversation.

As such, they were soon sent off with a large order of food and tea that was packed at Narcissa's request, and she also conjured a pretty blanket for them to eat upon, telling them to go and play in the park until it was time to leave.

The group of four claimed their food with delight, then rushed out into the sun. It was one of the rare, truly beautiful days in London, where the sun soaks into your skin and settles there, filling you with golden light.

Theo picked a spot for the group; under the shade of a tree by a large pond, that homed all sorts of water lilies and birds. They spread out the blanket, and Blaise immediately claimed the spot leaning up against the tree.

Theo curled up and nestled into his side, and Zabini dropped a kiss on the top of his head as he draped an arm around his shoulders.

Ivy sat down cross-legged as Draco sprawled across the rest of the blanket. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Oi Malfoy, aren't you going to unpack the basket for us?"

He groaned but didn't protest, and pushed himself back up into a seating position, mimicking Ivy's crossed legs. From the basket, he pulled out four plates and teacups, a large serving of scones, complete with clotted cream and jam, a plate of sandwiches, and a full teapot, charmed not to spill.

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