All My Homies Love a Gay Awakening

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At long last, after a very full day, Ivy crawled into her bed and sighed contentedly. She was absolutely exhausted, and all she wanted was to sleep. Which was exactly what she was intent upon doing. "Hey. Ivy, Selina. Wake up you lazy sods. I need to talk about something." Came Pansy's voice from her bed, and Ivy sighed before sitting up. The universe really was against her.

"What is it Pansy?" Came Selina's voice from across the room, and Ivy could tell that she was holding back her frustration at being roused when she'd just been beginning to fall asleep.

A few beats of silence passed and if she hadn't been watching her friends silhouette sitting up in her bed, she might have thought Pansy had fallen asleep. "Can you both come here?" She said at last, her voice quiet and timid.

Selina sat up and stretched for a second, then just as Ivy was doing, she swung her feet out of bed and walked over to Pansy's. Ivy knew there was only one reason she was refraining from any snide comments about the hour, because it was the same reason Ivy was also biting her tongue.

Pansy was a great deal of things, but timid was not one of them. Selina must have heard the tone that Ivy did. Nothing else could rouse the girl from her warm, comfy sheets but concern for her friend.

They both went on either side of Pansy's bed and slipped under the duvet so they could escape the bitter cold seeping in from the lake outside.

After a minute more Pansy started to speak. "Alright, I'm going to tell you something, but you can't laugh or make fun of me because I'm actually so stressed and I don't know what to do or what any of it means or-"

Ivy and Selina had shared wide eyes glances as Pansy had begun her jumbled stream of words, and they cut her off before she got even more frantic by taking one of her hands each.

"Pansy, we won't laugh at you. I promise. Just talk to us about what's going on and we will all figure it out together. There's nothing we've yet to encounter that we haven't been able to sort out when we all put our heads together."

Pansy released an incredibly deep breath, nodded and squeezed their hands. "I think, well, I think I fancy someone." Selina and Ivy glanced at one another again as the gears in Ivy's head started turning. She had a feeling she knew what this was about.

"But that's neither here nor there, the real problem is that, well, the person I think I like. Um, well," Pansy cleared her throat as she wavered on her next words. "Well, she's a girl. I think I fancy a girl."

Pansy squeezed her eyes closed and grimaced as though she expected either or both of her friends to lash out or do something drastic, but all Ivy and Selina did was hold her hands tighter and look at each other sadly.

Pansy was a flawless actress and stronger than a diamond, so she managed to bury it well, but her trauma went so much deeper than she liked to let on.

"Pansy, you said that the real problem was that the person you liked was a girl. Do you feel like you'd be alright with explaining that a little more?" Ivy asked quietly, wanting to provide the option for Pansy to have an out whenever she needed.

Pansy dropped Selina's hand for a minute to tuck her hair behind her ears as she let out a deep sigh, then she reached down and reclaimed her friends hand and nodded slightly.

"I don't know, exactly. It's not that I think that two people of the same gender can't be together, because I do. Just maybe not me? Salazar, I don't know." She laughed bitterly, "You would think I'd have better words for this after mulling it over for the last few months."

Selina smiled lovingly at her and squeezed her hand. "Any words you use are fine, Pansy. We're not the Wizengamot, we're your best friends who love you more than anyone else in the world. You could spew nonsense and we'd still understand."

The Heiress of SlytherinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon