Jealousy, Jealousy, Jealousy

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After the initial shock faded the group began chattering away over the breakfast table. They were all bursting with questions, congratulations and quips. Theo pulled away from hugging Blaise, grinning brightly with slightly red eyes. He stood up from his bench and circled the table as quickly as he could.

Once he reached Ivy, he pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in the tightest hug he could manage. The force of it was so strong that Ivy staggered back a little before she smiled into Theos shoulder and wrapped her arms around him.

She almost forgot they were still in the Great Hall as they stood there for what felt like forever, but was likely only a few minutes. Theo had his head bent down so that his head was resting on Ivy's shoulder, and she heard him mumble a choked thank you. With those two words, the damn that Ivy hadn't realised she was holding back broke, and her eyes welled up with tears.

"You mean the world to me. I barely remember what life felt like without you, and I never want to know. You're my brother Theo, I mean that. I'm your family and you're mine." He held her tighter in response, and Ivy realised that he was struggling to hold back more tears. When they finally pulled apart their eyes were red and they were sniffling.

They both laughed when they saw the other's emotional state, "Sentimental sod," laughed Ivy, playfully shoving Theo's shoulder.

"Who? Me?" he gasped in mock shock. "Nah these are allergies. See, I'm allergic to mush-hearted saps." Ivy wrinkled her nose and took her seat.

"Terribly done, Theodore, you're losing your touch." He laughed loudly in response and returned to his seat next to Blaise. As he was walking back around the table, Ivy caught Draco staring at her curiously.

She turned to him and looked up at him inquisitively. He seemed to understand the silent question and smiled at her. "Did you sleep alright last night? You look a bit tired."

Ivy chuckled, "What a nice way to put it, thank you. I look like somebody punched me in both my eyes is more accurate." She glanced up at Theo, who was talking excitedly with Pansy, Selina and Blaise. "I met Theo in the common room late last night, so we went to the kitchens for a while. I only got a few hours in, and honestly, I'm knackered, but if I have any more coffee I'll vibrate out of my skin."

Draco frowned. He thought she still looked very pretty, but now that nobody else was looking, her shoulders seemed to sag a bit and her eyes drooped with exhaustion. "Why don't you go rest in the common room, and I'll gather your notes for you?" He kept his voice low so they didn't pull the others attention, and Ivy offered him a soft smile.

"Thanks, Draco, that's very sweet of you, but I've already missed so much school, I don't think I can afford to bum off today." Mischief slipped into her grin as she shrugged slightly, "Besides, I'll just sleep in Binn's class. 100 galleons he doesn't notice."

Draco snorted with laughter, "Yeah right, nice try Stone but you're not getting 100 galleons out of me that easy." Ivy winked at him and he felt his heart lurch slightly.

"Worth a shot wasn't it?" He laughed again, hoping she didn't notice the note of nervousness that rang through. He was relieved when he noticed she was already pulled into the others conversation.

His face adopted a soft look as he watched her happily debate with Blaise over whether Selina was the human embodiment of honey or flowers; the girl in question was frowning and mumbling something about being a badass under her breath. Just as Ivy was getting into the specifics of why honey was the right answer, her gaze caught on two letters that had remained unnoticed until that moment, and she faltered then stopped talking as she reached to grab them.

They were both to Theo, and Ivy recognized one of them as Kyria's handwriting. She smiled - that must be her mum responding to the thank you note that he'd sent. The second letter saw was from Theo's father, making her frown darkly.

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