How To: Befriending a Selkie

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Ivy woke herself up early the next morning and snuck into the bathroom to take a shower without disturbing Pansy, Selina or Stheno.

Much as she adored her snake, today was the day she was going to meet Galatea at the lake, and for some reason, it felt so personal of a mission, that she didn't want anyone coming along.

After her shower, she slipped downstairs to the closet. She wasn't entirely sure what the dress code for meeting a selkie was, but it was still frighteningly cold, so in the end, she abandoned the perusal of her dresses and skirts. She opted instead for wearing a heavy black cloak with a silver clasp over black slacks and a fuzzy grey turtleneck sweater. 

Ivy slipped out of her room as quietly as she could, only bringing her wand with her. She knew that she was going to the lake far earlier than Galatea had likely expected, but she was too excited to wait any longer. She left the common room, thinking over everything she wanted to ask and know. 

For a fleeting moment, as she thought, Ivy felt a sharp pain in her chest - like all of the sudden somebody had grabbed her heart in their hands and squeezed it with all their might. She wished Kyria was there with her; she would have loved to meet Galatea, and learn more about selkies. It had always frustrated her so much that she didn't know more about them.

The thought made Ivy feel lonely, but she brushed it off as well as she could. Pushing her shoulders back, raising her chin, and pushing forward confidently, she tried talking herself out of the suddenly empty sensation in her stomach. She would be perfectly fine alone, she was a Stone, and a siren. Both nature and nurture had taught her to be strong, and that would not be toppled by some solitude. 

When Ivy made it to the Great Hall she was one of the very first people there. There was the odd early-riser or faculty member seated at one of their tables, but everyone seemed content with sitting alone for breakfast. 

Ivy helped herself to a rushed, but delightful breakfast of coffee (lots of it), bacon, eggs, toast and fruit before she picked herself up from the table and returned to her quest. She revelled in the cool air as she walked outside. It was a beautiful morning. Birds were chirping all around, and the grass she was crossing was wet with dew that beaded up on her black mary-janes, making them glisten in the morning light. The cold nipped at her hands, cheeks and nose, turning them rosy, but it wasn't quite biting enough to seep through her layers. 

Reaching her hands into her pockets to find some shelter for them, Ivy felt the soft, smoothness of her pair of black leather gloves, and she pulled them on in delight. Perhaps today was going to be a good day. 

Once she had circled the lake and found the overhang that Galatea had mentioned, she took a deep, steadying breath and picked up a pebble that was lying at her feet. She weighed it in her hand for a moment before pulling her arm back and throwing it a little way out in the lake. 

Ivy held her breath as she waited, but after a minute of no response she let it out with a huff. Perhaps she had to throw in another stone? Or maybe she was here too early? What if Galatea changed their mind and didn't want to speak to her? 

She was working her mind into a frenzy, and as such, she almost missed the surface of the lake rippling before her. Catching the disturbance out of the corner of her eye, Ivy straightened and turned towards it, locking eyes with the selkie.

Ivy broke out into a wide smile, and much to her relief, Galatea mirrored it. The mermaid swam up as far up to the bank as they could, then pulled themselves out of the water to sit straight as Ivy rushed to sit on a rock next to where Galatea was propped up on her elbows.

Settling herself down, she smiled again. Just as she had been the night before last, she found herself unsure of what to say, so she settled for a simple, "Hi!"

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