How to Scare Your Classmates 101

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Recap: As she strode down the halls with her head high and her eyes flashing, she made a promise to herself. Nobody would ever mess with her friends and get away with it on her watch. She smiled evilly as a plan hatched in her mind.

Melkor Smyth was in for a really, really bad day.

As Ivy completed her ascent from the dungeons for the second time that day, she turned and strode towards the Great Hall. She had formulated a clear plan in her mind regarding Melkor, but seeing as the staff wouldn't be particularly fond of her methods, she had to think of a way to get him out of their line of sight.

She was crafting different plans in her mind as she walked up to the doors of the Great Hall, where breakfast was currently in full swing, when she looked up to see two Slytherin boys walking towards her a little ways away. She narrowed her eyes at one of them.

No, her luck couldn't possibly be this great. The boy she had focused in on looked exactly like Pansy had described Melkor, and Ivy had to fight to hold in a laugh. This was the boy who had the audacity to call her beautiful friend pugface? He looked like his mother had dropped him out of a four story building directly onto his face. Multiple times.

Not wanting to come to a hurried verdict, Ivy sped up her pace considerably, so that she reached the boys a considerable bit before they made it to the doors. Stopping in front of them to get their attention, Ivy smiled brightly when they looked at her.

In her most saccharine tone of voice she turned to the boy in question. "I'm so sorry to interrupt you gentlemen, but are you by any chance Melkor Smyth?"

The boy smiled down at her and Ivy felt nauseous. On most people, a smile highlighted their best features. On this boy, it made it look as though he were an ogre whose teeth were trying desperately to escape. Not that she could blame them. "Yes, I am. And who might you be?"

Smiling even more brightly, Ivy responded cheerfully. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should've introduced myself, how rude of me. I'm Ivy Stone, but you should just think of me as Pansy Parkinson's friend." Ivy's smile turned vicious as Smyth's face dropped.

As she had been speaking, Ivy had been resting her hand in her back pocket, now she pulled it out with her wand held in her palm, and in a flurry of flashes she sent a combination of her favorite jinxes at the boy.

His friend watched in horror as Melkor groaned loudly and fell over. "Interesting, I've always wondered what would happen if you mixed Furnunculus and Entomorphis together," said Ivy, cocking her head slightly to the side. "Evidently, nothing pretty."

Ivy had used the insect jinx, the boils jinx, and the full-body bind jinx, and both her and Melkor's friend observed - one in comical amounts of despair, the other in sheer amusement, as the boy lay immobilized on the floor, first growing horridly ugly boils all over his skin, which then each started growing hairy little legs and feelers.

Crouching down next to the squirming boy, Ivy lowered her voice, and said in an intensely malicious tone, "Let me make something very clear: I don't care who the hell you are, or who your family is. If I ever, ever, hear the word pugface come out of your mouth, or anyone else's, I will hunt you down, and make today seem like the best time of your life. The same goes for if I ever get wind of you being even a bit of a bully to another person again. Are we clear?"

The boy just kept wailing and clutching at his face, and Ivy smiled down at him. "I'll do you a favor and take that as a yes. Don't make me regret it."

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