Go Crazy Go Stupid

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Ivy's watch woke her up the next morning at 6:30 am, and she groaned and stretched. She just wanted to lie in bed all day. Smiling to herself, she thought happily that nobody could really stop her from doing exactly that.

As if she had read her mind, Pansy picked up a pillow and threw it at Ivy's face. Ivy glared at her when she resurfaced, but received only a chuckle in return. "I know that look, and there's no way you're skipping our first day of classes."

Frowning up at her friend, Ivy begrudgingly swung her feet out of bed and onto the carpeted floors. Hurrying to the bathroom, she jumped into the shower as quickly as she could. Not 5 seconds after she had turned on the water, she heard Pansy walk in and loudly protest the fact.

"Damn you Stone, I was literally just about to get in. And I got up before you too." Ivy just laughed.

"Sucks to suckkkk," she sang, "but hey! Look on the bright side, now you get the honors of waking up Selina! I'll write you a beautiful eulogy."

Grumbling aggressively, Pansy shuffled back out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. A few minutes later Ivy could hear Pansy yelp out in pain; apparently Selina's natural reaction to be woken up was to viciously attack the person responsible.

Laughing hysterically, Ivy shouted out a loud "KARMA" before Pansy walked back into the bathroom looking even more grumpy than before, flipping off Ivy, who was just wrapping herself in her bathrobe, as she passed.

"Now now, let's call a truce. I even saved you some hot water in a show of kindness and peace!" Ivy smiled brightly at Pansy through the mirror, but the dark-eyed witch just glared back.

"We go to a magical school, there's always hot water you idiot." Grinning even more widely, Ivy threw up her hands and exclaimed, "Exactly!!"

Pansy tried to glare at her again but her smile broke through and she finally relented to grinning at her friends silly mannerisms, only managing a half eye roll as she stepped into the shower.

Selina shuffled into the bathroom. "You assholes, I wanted to shower next." Pansy laughed loudly, "Literally get in line babe."

Ivy grinned at Selina's scowl and winked at her in the mirror. "Morning gorgeous-". Before she could get any further, Selina pointed an accusing finger and glared fiercely back at her through the mirror.

"No. Do not start with me Stone. I cannot handle your good attitude right now. I am this close to punching everyone in this room and then myself." Selina held up her hands in a pinching motion so small Ivy wondered if her fingers weren't just pressed together.

Stepping out of the shower, Pansy wrapped her robe around herself and smiled at Selina. "Well if it isn't our little ray of sunshine."

"I'll kill you Parkinson. I'll genuinely kill you." Pansy and Ivy made eye contact in the mirror and both hurriedly looked away. Something told them that laughing loudly and hysterically would earn them both a swift punch to the boob.

Muttering like an angry imp, Selina stepped into the vacated shower. Pansy and Ivy resumed their stations at the sink, and after a moments silence of them each brushing their teeth and fixing their hair, Ivy turned to Pansy.

"I've just realized, you showered freakishly fast." Pansy laughed, then shrugged slightly in the mirror.

"My mum's taught me all types of beauty spells, ever since I was old enough to speak. She used to cast all sorts of smoothing spells on my skin when I'd go to play dates. They stung like hell, but she said that keeping up the appearance  was more important." Although Pansy chuckled occasionally as she spoke, her eyes had never looked emptier, nor her voice sounded sadder than it did in that moment.

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