On Hogwarts' Affinity for Dangerous Beasts

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The next two weeks passed rather merrily for the little Slytherin gang. After a few days, Ivy had sat down with Draco to talk in the common room. He had apologized profusely for offending her friend, which Ivy excepted, and he in turn had listened to her as she'd calmly explained to him why so called "blood-purity" was absolute nonsense. At the end of their discussion, he had promised to think on everything she had said, and Ivy knew that she had to be content with that for now.

She was completely firm in her beliefs, and she'd work tirelessly until Draco understood them, but she was also smart enough to understand that she was introducing a concept that was entirely foreign to everything he had ever been taught and told his whole life. Shaking of things that had been so deeply ingrained would not be easy, but she was willing to put in the time and effort if he was. For a start, she made him swear on his life that he would never, ever say the word mudblood again, and in a terrifying tone of voice made her own assurances that she'd hold him to it.

Ivy settled into a pleasant routine. She woke up every morning and laughed with Pansy and Selina, who she was rapidly growing to love like sisters, then the three would join up with Theo, Draco and Blaise in the common room, and they would all go to breakfast, and then their classes together. About three times a week, Ivy and Hermione would meet up to talk over breakfast, lunch or dinner, and the girls grew closer than ever.

Ivy had a different relationship with each of the Slytherin boys, but she adored them all. Despite Malfoy's griping and glowing at the realization, she was closest to Blaise. They made it a rule that they would go on a walk with each other at least every other day, which eventually turned into him helping her practice her flying. They would talk of their families, and the difficulties of not being pure-bloods in wizarding and Slytherin society, and they also just laughed and messed around. Ivy loved those times dearly.

Theo had adopted Ivy as his little sister, although she'd regularly remind him grumpily that they were the same age. He would tease her and pull pranks on her mercilessly, but if anybody dared to try and mess with Ivy - which few did after word of Melkor's experience got around - they had to deal with Theo's wrath in addition. He would cheer her up when she was sad, and even introduced her to the kitchens, where they would go and sit at night when either one couldn't sleep, cracking jokes and eating all manner of treats.

Malfoy generally just gave Ivy a migraine, but she couldn't help missing him when he left their little group to hang out with Dumb and Dumber every so often. There was no denying that he was a prick, but as time wore on she felt a certain fondness for that. It was just a part of who he was. That fondness didn't prevent her from loudly taking him on whenever she felt he took it too far however.

One day before potions, Ivy had been talking with Hermione at her seat, and the witch had been repeating something funny that Kyria had put in her letter, when Draco had ambled over and swung an arm around Ivy's shoulders.

"Talking about your mum again, Ivy? I swear this woman must be a Goddess the way you go on about her." Looking over at Harry, who was minding his own business in his seat next to Hermione, Draco grinned evilly. "You shouldn't boast too much Stone, you see Potter here doesn't have a mum. He might start crying."

Ivy looked over at Draco with disgust and threw his arm off of its place on her shoulders. "Thank you Draco, I'm sure Harry had forgotten, but now that you've so delicately brought up the subject, he's sure to remember. Next time you fancy opening your mouth, I suggest resisting the temptation, it only ever reveals your stupidity." Draco turned bright red as Harry laughed.

With another ice cold glance, Ivy scathingly finished her admonishment. "Honestly, I ought to hex your nose off. Now there would be something everyone could laugh at." If possible, Draco's face burned even hotter as he sulked back to his seat without a word. Rolling her eyes, Ivy turned back to the Gryffindors. "Absolute twit sometimes, honestly."

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