If Crazy = Genius

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Finally everyone was seated in the Great Hall, chattering excitedly until Dumbledore stood up on the podium and waved his hands for silence.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. I myself am particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups, which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair-" McGonagall cleared her throat from next to Dumbledore then took a sip of her glass, making Dumbledore trail off and clap his hands together.

"Mm. Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor." Ivy whistled and clapped as loudly as she could at this announcement, grinning brighter than every and cheering when she caught his eye.

"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!" Ivy was practically screaming by now, proud beyond belief at her dear friends promotion. This years announcements were shaping up to be fairly delightful.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts -- at the request of the Ministry of Magic -- will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban." At this the whole room fell dead quiet. Ivy glanced over to where Harry sat and pursed her lips, already worried for the boy.

From beside her Draco snickered and whispered to the group. "I heard Potter fainted on the train when he saw the Dementor."

Ivy didn't even bother looking at him as she spoke, "Say one word about it to anyone else and I'll hang you from the astronomy tower by your pinky toe, Malfoy." Her voice was so clear and calm that the blonde boy felt a slight chill run down his back.

He nodded and whispered, "yes ma'am." Which made Ivy smile at him and pat his head gently. "Very good."

In the background Dumbledore was talking again. " The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving." With this final warning he waved his hands, letting the feast commence.

Ivy greedily ladled Shepherds Pie onto her plate along with an array of vegetables and a piece of baguette and dove in, trying not to overthink what Dumbledore had said about the Dementors, but unable to get the petrified faces of her peers from out of her head.

That night, when they all trouped down to their common room, she said goodnight to them all and went upstairs to bed, giving Stheno the snacks she always kept from dinner before she laid down and frowned slightly to herself.

There was something strange about this whole Black situation. Surely nobody escaped the most secure prison in the world just to hunt down a young boy. She shook her head slightly. With dark wizards anything was possible, she supposed.


"I would pay vast amounts of money to not have to take Divination this year." Grumbled Draco as the group finally trudged up the stairs to their first new class of the year. "And with Hufflepuffs too!"

Ivy rolled her eyes at his protestations. "And I would much rather cut of my ears than hear you grumble about it Malfoy. Just suck it up for the year, you can drop it fourth year, alright?"

Before he could respond, the door swung open in front of them, and Draco got all the reason in the world that he needed for hating this class. Brewing tea over a thickly perfumed fire was Griffin.

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