chapter thirty-six

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"In all the wild world, there is no more desperate creature, than a human being on the verge of losing someone

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"In all the wild world, there is no more desperate creature, than a human being on the verge of losing someone. "

- Atticus

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"HEY, GORGEOUS," I hear from afar, sure it's a long-gone voice from my dreams, but when someone says again, my name and I feel hands caressing my arms, I know it can't be.

"Wake up, Adelina."

I open my eyes slowly, still trying to recall where I am and when I'm met by unforgettable hazel ones, memories from before sleep flushing like a river through my mind.

What a night.

"Damien? What's going on?" I whisper as I try to fight the need to sleep more, closing my eyes and I hear the bad boy shuffle from beside me as he caresses my shoulder to make me wake up.

"I heard some noises from the other rooms, it's better if we leave." His voice tone is serious, but I don't even pay attention to his concerns, the amount of energy we spent last night taking a burden on me.

"It was probably nothing. Come back to sleep." I mumble even more tired, grabbing his hand that caresses me and using it to sleep on top. Damien curses underneath his breath.

"Please, Adelina. I'm not joking. I know when I can be in danger and you are with me." I open my eyes the minute he shuffles next to me, already organizing our things and now it's my time to curse, deep inside knowing he wouldn't be asking for such a thing if he wasn't truly worried.

"Fine, Damien. But I'm telling you, it's nothing." I sigh before standing up, feeling my head grow heavy from the lack of sleep and he gives me a weak smile, urgency running in his eyes.

My heart starts thundering against my chest and I put on my clothes with shaking hands, looking around to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind.

The bad boy probably notices my anxiety and he pulls my body towards him, placing his arm around me as we walk to the elevator. It feels insanely warm and safe but I notice he's as terrified as me.

Damien is worried, his movements being unsteady like we need to leave as fast as possible and I can't shake away the bad feeling that installs on my body.

Yet, I don't say a word, letting him do whatever he thinks is best and only following him to the car, each step making our heads turn for any sight of danger.

I can't possibly imagine living like this and only now do I seem to understand what Damien has been warning me about all this time.

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