chapter sixteen

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"It didn't matter that she fell apart, it was how she put herself back together every single time"

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"It didn't matter that she fell apart, it was how she put herself back together every single time"

- Atticus

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THE WAY TO MY HOUSE is short and quick, but my heart still beats fast to the thought of meeting my dad. I told him I would sleep in Bella's house, which meant going to school with her. The only part was that I forgot to take another pair of clothes in her place for me and Sammy.

My brother is still asleep in the back seat, his chestnut curls sticking to all his sides and his chest going up and down, so calm and peaceful. Despite all the messed up situations with Tom, he still falls asleep most of the time and that makes me light.

Our house gets bigger and bigger until I finally enter our garage, parking fast for the car. The digital clock is marking 6:30 so we have about an hour to get ready and leave for school.

All I hope is that my dad has already left or is still asleep.

I carefully take Sammy out of the car, the warmth of his body against my arms. With all the silence, I open the front entrance but despite my attempts, the white wooded door creaks. I bite my lip so hard that I almost feel the blood out of it, my heartbeat frantic.

Luckily, there seems to be no one home.

All my steps are carefully taken as I go upstairs, straight to my brother's bedroom. I put him into his bed, a smile escaping my lips when I look at his peaceful sleep, at least one of us can have a good night.

With one last look at him, sad that I will have to wake him in a few moments, I head straight to my bathroom, the outfit from last sticking to me.

The hot bath is everything I needed, the scalding water burned every single part of my body but the pain was welcome, relieving the amount of stress I had on last night.

Damien's kiss was the highlight though.

Still, he couldn't distract me from my main goal, protecting Samuel.

I quickly change into a ripped mom blue jeans and a white long sleeve button crop top, my white high platform converse completing the look. They are a bit dirty and already ripped on the top but still one of my favorites despite its age. All I want today is to be in peace.

For the first time in a very long time, my cheek isn't red and I don't know why but it causes me to give my reflection a side smile. My neck is still a bit purple from Monday, a few marks here and there but I manage to hide them with concealer, which is good compared to the thick foundation I usually wear.

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