chapter seven

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"She walked through her life tired from the mighty wings upon her back"

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"She walked through her life tired from the mighty wings upon her back"

- Atticus

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My eyes feel strangely heavy as I try to open them in the darkness of my best friend's room. A night of drinking really has its consequences. Along with my tiredness, there's a headache that almost makes me scream every time I move. Remember to breathe, Adelina. You know how to.

"Don't know and don't care." Bella's voice is as tired as mine, coming from next to me. Her bed was big enough for both of us, which made our sleepovers much funnier.

"Can you see? Pretty please."

She thinks about it for a couple of minutes before opening her eyes to give me a deadly stare. I chuckle, my head aching in the process. Bella can't say no to me.

"Just because you are my bestie."

I can't help but smile while she grabs her phone, the bright screen lighting almost the whole room.

"Nine o'clock."

As Ella finishes her sentence, my heartbeat speeds up and somehow my body completely forgets the pounding headache that I have. I'm up in a matter of seconds, already searching for my bag. I was supposed to be home early for breakfast. Around seven or eight am.

"Why are you up so fast? It's a Saturday." The sleepiness in her voice is clear and I just wish I could stay a little longer here at my friend's house. It's all too calm and happy, something I'll never experience.

But never, in a million years, will I be jealous of Bella for having something I don't, especially caring parents. She deserves every part of it. Her brother killed himself and I can't imagine the pain of losing someone to that way.

"I have some things to do at home." Another lie to my list. I have done it so many times that now I don't feel anything, just numbness.

My life is a web of lies, how can I escape it if I'm intertwined with it?

Every minute that passes by is another hit from my father. That's all I think as I put on the clothes I brought and go closer to Bella. But my best friend needs me, so another bruise won't make a huge difference.

She has her eyes closed but as I sit on the edge of the bed, she opens one of them and gives me a smile, which I return.

I love this girl so much. She is the sister I never had.

"It's us against the world, Ella," I whisper in her ear. There are tears forming in her eyes and I can't help, but give her a sad smile.

"I will never, in a million years, leave you, alright?" She nods as I carefully kiss her on the cheek. Now that I made sure my best friend will be okay, I waste no time in leaving. But not before turning around and showing her my tongue in a silly way. Bella instantly laughs and returns what I did.

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