chapter thirty-seven

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"It seems to us that love could be labeled as poison and we'd drink it anyways

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"It seems to us that love could be labeled as poison and we'd drink it anyways."

- Atticus

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IT'S BEEN FIVE DAYS THAT I LEFT THE HOSPITAL and only today have I managed to see the other person who I couldn't stop thinking about, who I abandoned during those dark times.

"Lili!" Sammy's voice fills the air as he runs to me and a big smile is already on my lips when I kneel on the floor to welcome him. 

His body collapses against mine and I let out a loud laugh as I squeeze him never let go, happy tears marking my cheeks. I've missed him so much and I wish we could at least go to a park or something. 

Ever since the explosion, everyone is on full alert and Kayla thought it would be best if Sammy and I stayed in the house, the only place they can make sure is safe now. It sucks but if I want to keep my little brother safe, it has to be this way. 

"I missed you so much, gummy bear." I plant kisses all over his face and he rolls his eyes before pushing me away, a little smile on his lips. 

"Missed you too, Lili." 

As I look at him in my arms, I can't help but think how much of his childhood I'm losing. He's bigger now, just an inch taller and his chestnut curls have grown a little, some locks reaching his eyes but it's a lot of changes already. Samuel is growing up, wanting it or not.

"This house is so big! More big than last time." His eyes glisten with pure joy as he looks around and I don't contain the chuckle that leaves my lips as I hear his wrong English. It's the little things that you take for granted.

"Bigger, Sammy." Another roll of eyes but I leave it that way, "C'mon on, what do you want to do?" 

Samuel runs inside the house with an enormous smile and I simply wave to my aunt that it's already out of the gates, an urge to leave that I will never understand before grabbing the backpack he left behind and following him.

This week without classes, something only the Stones manage to get is being good, especially after the crazy moments we all have been through this past month but it's only another excuse for Damien to get more involved with a revenge plan they are coming up with.

I told him I want nothing to do with it and perhaps that's the reason we are more distant than ever. I haven't seen him anymore, only some glimpses and there are always deep bags under his eyes.

I'm worried but I'm too proud to go after him to ask what happened because if he really needed me, he would come.

Fucking love.

"Coming, Lili?" Sammy's voice takes me back from my thoughts and I shove Damien's face to the back of my mind, focusing only on my brother now. It's the least I can do after being away all this time.

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