Chapter 3

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I knew I had better tell Skylar the truth before she found out from someone else. Knowing Skylar she probably wouldn't even believe the rumor, she would still see the best in me and think it was all made up. That's one of the things I love most about her. She tries so hard to see the good in people, even when those people were secret monsters the whole time.

I wonder if she will hate me...

The next day at school I had prepared myself. I took strong steady breaths and made sure not to psych myself out. I could do this, I owed her that much. Didn't I?

"Hey," Aphrodite walked up behind me as I walked into school.

I flinched at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, hey." I forced a smile.

That's the thing with the two of us, no matter how much we argue or fight, give it a day and it's like it never happened. We just keep being friends and ignore what was said before. It's a relief in a way, but it also means hardly any of our problems get dealt with. We just ignore them and move on until it's not a problem anymore.

I could cuss her out and damn her to hell and the next day she would still walk up to me and say hey as if nothing had ever happened. We've been like this since we were kids. Mostly because Aphrodite can be pretty mean sometimes but I always knew she didn't mean it. She lashes out at people as a way to hide her own insecurities. I myself have a temper, but I've gotten a lot better at managing it ever since I got with Skylar.

"So I don't really know anyone here, mind if I just sit with you and your friends?" she asked.

"Sure." I shrugged.

My stomach turned as I saw Skylar and Jade walk in hand in hand.

"What?" Aphrodite must have seen something on my face.

"I am going to tell her," I said.

She followed my line of sight and raised an eyebrow.

"And why the hell would you do that now? Of all times?" she asked.

"Sam overheard us yesterday, I'd rather her hear it from me than someone else."

She sighed.

We sat at the table.

"Hey everyone, this is Aphrodite, you've all met before," I said.

"Oh yeah, at Jade's party," Archer said.

"Yep, now I go here, mind if I make myself at home?" she smiled sweetly at them.

"Go ahead girl, I always say can't have too many friends," Parece said.

"Ditto," Demarcus said.

I smiled at them.

I watched as Jade and Skylar walked into the cafeteria. They had on matching outfits, I wanted to gag at the sight. Talk about over the top. They didn't walk our way, instead Jade dragged Skylar back over to the table with Cassidy and her posy, which included Sam.

Panic flooded my veins and I locked eyes with Sam. She smirked at me, then winked just as Skylar sat right in front of her.

"Don't you think Darleen?" Wini said.

"Huh?" I turned to her at the sound of my name.

"Were you even listening?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure." I glanced back over to Skylar.

Just then Sam leaned over the table and began to whisper something into Skylar's ear.

"Earth to Darleen?" Wini snapped her fingers at me.

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