Chapter 34

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For a while, I forgot all about the challenge. Kenzie finally got a call back from a local Barnes and Nobel, so she works there now. I was busy with prepping for midterms and other things... Okay so maybe I've been talking to Lexi again.

But we are just talking!

Nothing else.

She's finally talking to me again.

It is Kenzie's fault actually. You see Mackenzie's birthday was coming up and I knew exactly what to get her. I went to a music store and walked over to all their violins. I was browsing when,


My heart skipped a beat.

I turned and there she was, as cute as ever. All bundled up in a jacket. She always did get cold easily. Can't be helped, she is from Florida after all.

"Lexi? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was going to ask you the same." she walks over to me.

"Don't believe I would take up music?" I smirk.

"You, as if. You don't have the patience for it."

"Ouch, that hurts." I flirted.

She giggled.

"No, I'm here to buy one for Kenzie. Her birthday is coming up. You?"

"I'm here to buy this," she showed me a harmonica.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't laugh, I saw someone playing it on the internet and now I want to learn."

I laugh.

"Hey!" she playfully pushed me.

"You, playing the harmonica? I'd pay money to see that."

"Shut up," she playfully pushed me.

"How have you been? How's Aphrodite?" she asked.

"I'm okay and Aphrodite is in England. She said she's okay, last she texted last week."

"You two aren't together?" she said in confusion.

"Nope. I've decided to focus on myself first. So thank you, for that. It's a work in progress."

She smiled.

"Anyway! I have no clue which is the best." I turned back to the violins.

"That one," she pointed.

"How do you know?"

"I took violin lessons until I was 13. Mom's idea. I hated it."

"Wow, I didn't know that about you."

"Now you do."

"What are you doing later? Want to help me surprise Kenzie?" I ask.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything later."

"Good, I invited Jade and Skylar. It might be a small party, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun."


So we went to my apartment and prepped everything for when Mackenzie got home from work. Jade and Skylar arrived, and Skylar brought her friend Vida. Much to Jade's annoyance. I also invited a few of Mackenzie's friends she made at work.

Vida is someone I would never talk to unless I had to. She has that wild child vibe to her. She talks loud and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. She's very touchy-feely, especially with Skylar. Her hair is blond with blue ends. She a weird cross between a surfer girl and a rocker girl. There is this tattoo on her shoulder going down her arm, it's a tribal-style shark tattoo. I can't really tell if she's serious or not, she just has that voice that sounds like she is always talking in sarcasm.

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