Chapter 19

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I knew it was only a matter of time before everything caught up to me. I mean you can't just skip town and blow money without expecting at least one bad thing to happen. The word was going to get out eventually.

Darleen Grayson flew the coop.

Of course, I didn't expect it to go quite like this.

I was getting some sun next to Aphrodite. It was just past noon and we were at the beach. Kenzie, Jade, and Skylar were playing in the water like a bunch of goofballs. We had gone to the store to buy a bunch of beach gear.

I'm talking we went all out. Got umbrellas, mats to lay on, towels, the whole nine yards. We even bought a little grill with some firewood and charcoal to grill out when we got hungry. Of course, Kenzie is a child at heart and made me buy water guns, pool floaties, and other things that can be used to play around in the water.

They were currently having a water gun fight; water volleyball was the next scheduled activity.

"Ambush!" Kenzie called as she ran over to us.

"If you squirt me with that, I will barbeque your head." Aphrodite snapped at her.

"Jeez, buzz kill. Come on Kenzie." Jade pulled her back to the water.

I giggled at Aphrodite who was laying on her stomach tanning her back.

I had closed my eyes to relax and enjoy the rays of sun when my phone began to ring.

"Tell your whore to get lost," Aphrodite grumbled.

I grabbed the phone and looked to see who was calling and snorted before saying, "I'll be sure to pass the message along to my aunt."

This made Aphrodite smile before playfully slapping me in the leg.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What do you think you are doing!?" She yelled.

"Getting a tan, you?" I asked.

"You get home this instant; do you have any idea what you've done?"

"What are you talking about?" I sat up.

"Your picture is splashed over all the tabloids and not in a good way! Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out?"

"Slow down, what do you mean I'm in the tabloids, what does it say?" I turn to Aphrodite and slap her in the arm to force her to sit up and check for me.

She sighed and sat up before pulling out her phone to check.

"A Rutledge! Darleen, have you lost your mind? That girl is bad news!"

"Well, well, well, looks like they got the money shot." Aphrodite handed me her phone.

On the front page was a picture of me kissing Lexi outside the private party.

I cringed after reading the headlines, trouble at Grayson manor? Looks like Darleen wants a taste of the wildlife. The subheading, Alexandra Rutledge caught out with a girl! Does her boyfriend know?

"I hope you are happy with yourself! Do you know what it's going to take to fix this mistake? Your reputation is everything! I worked so hard to build it up, just for you to destroy it like this? Why are you even in Florida to begin with?"

"I got to go."

"Don't you hang up on me, Darleen!"

I hung up.

"Did you know she had a boyfriend?" Aphrodite asked as she scrolled through the article.

"She told me just got out of a relationship."

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