Chapter 17

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I have discovered that money can indeed get you many places in life. I don't think I really grasped the kind of power I had at my fingertips until now. Firstly when asked for an ID at a 21 and over bar, I just gave the door guy a couple hundred and I was in no questions asked.

There I decided to try and push my luck. I pushed past the crowd of people all just standing around and laughing and talking. Dressed in clothes that left nothing to the imagination as they held various drinks in their hand. The music was so loud that my ears rang. Everyone was shouting over each other.

I finally made my way up to the bar. It was obvious that I wasn't exactly drinking age or even had any remote idea as to what I was doing. I scanned the menu and ordered a drink. When the bartender eyed me, I dropped a twenty in his tip jar and he made the drink without question.

This both thrilled me and scared the hell out of me. Was that all it took to get away with murder these days? Just flash some money and everyone turns the other way? I think this fact made me lose a little hope in humanity.

I sipped my drink and glanced around the floor. It was clear I was a little underdressed. These girls all had on tight dresses and heels that I knew must be killer on the feet. Still, their make-up was perfection and they looked ready to walk out with a millionaire on their tail at any moment.

It was easy to pick out the pretenders from the real money. The pretenders clung desperately to the money bags. Laughing too loudly at their jokes, flashing a little more than their smiles. Always suggesting more drinks but never ordering one themselves. Yet somehow, they always have a drink in hand.

I quickly got bored with all the wannabes and wanted something a little spicier. So, I left. I found myself at some private event. Once again, I paid my way inside and found myself in a room with many people dancing and drinking to a hired DJ. I made my way to the bar and quickly ordered another drink.

"Heello," A guy slid into a seat next to mine.

It was clear he was already a bit tipsy and at least four to five years older than me.

"Hey," I said.

"So, I've never met you before."

I glanced around the venue and saw birthday cake and suspicious brownies and quickly came up with some story,

"Oh yeah, me and the birthday—" I paused to look at decorations before saying, "Guy go way back. I grew up with him. Went to school together. You?"

"I'm the birthday guy," He smirked.

"Damn," I said before taking a big drink.

He chuckled.

"Nice try though. So what's the name? Maybe we can get to be great friends who can say we go way back as we sneak into each other's parties." He motioned to the bartender who gave him another beer.

"Darleen, you?"


"Wait like Dawson Rutledge?"

"So you snuck into my party because your one of those fangirls. Should have known." He shook his head as he clicked his tongue.

"Wow, what are the odds, we actually do know each other." I take another drink.

"We do?"

"I'm Darleen, Darleen Grayson."

"Wait! Oh yeah, your cousin and I go boating sometimes. Your dad owns the hotel I'm staying at. Wait aren't you, like, still in high school?"

"Shh!" I put my finger on his lips. "No one needs to know that part."

He smirked.

"So what brings a Grayson to my little slice of happiness?"

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