Chapter 43

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After the semester ends, I just bury myself in my internship. Mackenzie is keeping her distance from me; I don't really blame her. We still talk and have friendly conversations, but nothing outside of that.

Lexi's in rehab now, her brother is watching over her house. She calls me every day during her visiting hour. Her therapist told me that positive reinforcement will really help her get through these tough times. So I'm always sure to keep the mood light and make her laugh.


It doesn't feel like it used to between us.

Or rather it feels exactly like it used to between us, even though I know it could be better. I could feel better. Part of me feels empty. Gutted. Defeated. But she needs me, I'm not going to be an asshole and let her go through this alone. Let her take her own life just because I didn't want to get back with her.

That would only make me feel worse.

It's not so bad, I do love Lexi. I do. Just not in the way I feel about Mackenzie. Dawson goes and visits Lexi every few days. Doing what big brothers do best and annoying his little sister and making her feel normal again.

"Hey," I call to Kenzie as I walk in from work.

"How was work?" she calls from the couch. It was her off day.

"Enlightening, and your day?"

"Not so much."

I giggle and plop down next to her.

"Look," she points to the tv. "She's going to pick to switch her case, which is a bad call because she definitely has the million."

"How can you tell?" I ask.

"When they play it up and try and make you doubt yourself it's because you have a big number. They bait you with all this stuff so you fall for it."

I watch as she switches cases.

"Dumb, she messed up." Kenzie shakes her head.

"Hey, you never know," I say.

"Wanna bet on it?" she turns to me with a smirk.

"Okay, what is this bet?" I say as it goes to commercial break.

"If I win, you have to make me dinner."

"And if I win?"

"What do you want?" she asks.

"Hmm, how about if I win you have to make some of those famous cookies."

"Deal." She says.

I offer my hand and we shake on it.

We both look at the tv again. Her hand lingered on my own. It makes me feel all warm inside. I casually interlock our fingers. She doesn't react to it.

Finally, the show comes back on for the reveal.

First, they open her case, as Kenzie expected, it's a low number.

Just 1,000 dollars.

Then they open the other case, a whopping one million dollars passed up. The crowd goes wild with awes. The lady crumbles to the floor all dramatically. We both laugh as the show host has to pull her back up and end the show.

"So," Kenzie turns to me. "Where is my food?"

I smile. "I'll order you whatever you want."


I raise an eyebrow.

"I want homecooked."

"What if I'm a bad cook?" I say.

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