Chapter 4

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I won't say I hate Jade Tate, because I don't hate anyone, but I do strongly dislike her. It's more than just the fact that she is dating Skylar and has her wrapped around her finger, though that does play a big part. I strongly dislike Jade because she is a user. She collects information and when it benefits her, she will use it as a weapon.

Just like how she told everyone I was gay just so Archer would date her. I swear I came this close to actually doing something to her, something I could not come back from. If Wini hadn't talked me down I am pretty sure I would have snapped. Skylar didn't even think anything of it like it was no big deal, I don't know how she can make so many excuses for Jade.

One of these days Jade will get hers, and I just want to be there to see it.

Does that make me a bad person?

I've been thinking a lot about that lately, what makes someone a bad person? Does cheating on someone make you a bad person? How does one define a bad person? How do I know if I qualify as a bad person?

It's just every time I look at Jade I have to fight the urge to glare at her. Just being near her makes me irritated. But I guess I will have to get over it. Apparently, she and Skylar worked out some kind of deal where Skylar will sit with Jade and her clones in the morning, and Jade will sit with Skylar at lunch with us.

It is day three of their arrangement and two days since I tried to tell Skylar the truth. Tired and failed epically. Cassidy and her minions have been surprisingly decent people and have not told Skylar anything. Though I know they are users just like Jade, it's only a matter of time before they try and use that info against me for their own benefit. I don't think they told Jade, or if they did Jade is acting like she doesn't know and hasn't told Skylar. It's always hard to tell with Jade, is she acting clueless, or is she actually that clueless?

Why do I feel like it's the latter? No way I can give Jade that much credit. She's not that good.

"And then she cut a hole in my shirt!" Jade declared waving her hands in the air dramatically.

"It was an accident." Skylar giggles.

"My favorite shirt!"

"You two are a mess." Wini shakes her head.

"Just sew it back up," Archer suggested.

"I tried, you know what happened? It's way too short now, I don't mind but someone won't let me wear it like that." Jade crossed her arms and eyed Skylar.

"No one gets to see your midriff but me." Skylar stuck up her nose.

Jade shook her head and kissed Skylar on the cheek, causing her to go bright red. I have to look away. Aphrodite was looking at me and our eyes met. She smiled at me, I felt queasy and looked away. I heard her sigh in annoyance.

"So you trying out for the play?" Parece asked Jade.

"You know it, and I will land the roll this time." Jade gave her a smirk.

"We'll see," Parece smirked back.

Skylar giggled at their playful rivalry.

"Hey guys!" Cassidy sat at our table.

I couldn't keep the look of disgust from my face. Sam and Terry quickly sat next to her. Skylar also looked annoyed.

"Since we think it's dumb that you two have to keep switching back and forth we decided to kill two birds with one stone. I mean you guys don't mind if we sit here from now on do you? We can all be friends." Cassidy smiled sweetly.

"Actually the table is kind of full." Aphrodite glared at her.

"Sure, the more the better. We aren't picky." Demarcus said at the same time.

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