Chapter 35

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I was quickly running out of time to complete my end of the deal. I gave Kenzie an extension, because how could I not? But just because she got an extension doesn't mean I did. So I had to make good on my end of the deal. I need to focus on myself, do something that makes me happy, something I want.


I entered a marathon run.

I've been slacking on my track training and it makes me feel better to run for a good cause. It was to support people with mental disabilities. When I was dating both Aphrodite and Lexi after, I never really got to do much track stuff. I almost dropped out of track altogether just so I could spend more time with Lexi.

Lexi talked me out of it, but I did seriously consider it. So much so that I even talked to my coach about it. I told her my head wasn't in it. She told me to think about it, and a good thing too. Track is probably the only thing about me that I did for my own selfish pleasure, that and theater.

My family was always about focusing on academics and economics and politics. Sports and theater were my small way of rebelling against them. Track wasn't even my idea. It all started in middle school after running the relay for field day. A high school coach had been watching and urged me to try out when I went into high school.

I never even intended to pursue it, but Skylar did it, and I thought, why the hell not? Skylar ran the relay with me in middle school and I wanted to be her friend, even back then. Little did I know a crush would soon develop on her. So I guess you could say it's Skylar's fault I took up track to begin with. But I found myself enjoying the sport and decided to stick with it.

Much to the annoyance of my family.

That's why no one in my family ever came to my sports events. Their way of saying they don't approve of me wasting my time on sports. That only pushed me harder to be the very best. To prove them wrong.

So yeah, running makes me feel better.

Makes me proud of myself for never giving in to my family and sticking with something. I put all my effort into track, I did it for myself, to prove to myself I could. So I knew if I was going to complete this challenge I knew it had to involve running.

I announced on my social media that I would be participating in the marathon and took pictures of myself getting ready. I even procured some sponsors for the run. Which made me feel even better to know that people were donating to the cause just because of me.

Kenzie ended up coming to see me in person halfway through the run.

I waved at her as I jogged by.

She smiled and held out a thumbs up.

Challenge officially completed.

No elf suit for me.

Afterward, I came home all sweaty but feeling great.

"Look at you, a warrior for mental health." Kenzie teased.

"I did something for me, something that makes me feel better. And I even donated to the cause." I walk in with my sweat rag around my neck.

"Good, challenge complete."

"I think I'll do more marathons in the future."

"Yay! Look at you, already finding a new hobby."

"I feel good. Better than I've felt in a long time. Let's celebrate."

"I'm down."

"Let's go out to eat."


"Let me shower first."

So after I shower and change we head to a local restaurant.

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