Chapter 21

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I fell asleep in Skylar's arms but I woke up in Aphrodite's. It was really early in the morning, so early that the sun has yet to come out. I had only woken up because I had to use the bathroom. I got up and went to the restroom before crawling back into bed.

Aphrodite stirred awake and pulled me back into her arms.

"Where's Skylar?" I asked, half asleep.

"What? I'm not good enough?" She grumbled also half asleep.

"I didn't say that," I snuggled up to her.

"We traded spots. She told me everything. I wanted to be in here with you, it was driving me crazy that she was in here with you and not me. So I came in ready to fight for you but she just traded spots with me. Said you really needed me. I think she's finally coming around to the idea of you and me." She said softly.

"She's a good person," I mumbled as I felt myself slowly falling back to sleep.

"I can be good too."

I moved to kiss Aphrodite on the cheek, she hummed in delight.

"I know you can," I said before resting my head on her shoulder and falling back to sleep.

The rest of the vacation was forced, I mean we only had a couple of days left anyway. But now that I was cut off, we had to rely solely on Aphrodite, and Lexi pitched in too. We went to the island of adventures at Universal, and on the last day, we went to the final Disney park we had yet to see. Then we went to the store and bought a bunch more suitcases because we had like three times the amount of stuff we started with.

Once we were all packed up Lexi drove us to the airport in her other car, as she calls it the friend hauling car, it was a three-row seater. Aphrodite paid for a private jet to take us home.

"Don't be a stranger you hear?" Lexi said to me as our bags were being loaded on.

"Same goes to you. If you ever find yourself on my side of town, look me up. I'm glad I met you."

"Let's keep connected. You better get ready to have me calling and texting you 24/7."

"I'd like that," I smiled at her.

She smiled back before her eyes watered.

"Don't you start if you cry everyone will start crying," I warned.

"Can confirm." Jade chimed in behind me.

"I just... I really like you guys. It's been a while since I had good friends like you. I mean my life's pretty hard but you guys made me forget about it for a while. So thank you for that. I'll never forget you, Darleen Grayson. You gave me hope again."

"Thank you, you gave me courage." I smiled at her.

"And I got a brain, come on Dorothy the hot air balloon is ready to leave!" Aphrodite called.

Lexi and I both chuckled.

"She's just jealous." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't say?"

we both laughed.

"I really do hope you stay in touch," I said.

"Count on it."

"Alright bring it in here." I hugged her.

"I'll miss you guys."

"I'll miss you too." I squeezed her tightly.

"Also I'm pretty sure you're the best one-night stand I've ever had."

"I'll try not to let that go to my head."

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