Chapter 28

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With this new perspective on things, I think it finally clicked. I made Kenzie feel like a pet, I must have made Lexi feel the same. Quality Kenzie bonding time was just what I needed to finally get the courage to put on my big girl panties and go to class.

I finally found the issue, maybe if I tell Lexi she'll take me back.

So I marched onto campus and over to my class, ready to face all odds.

Or so I thought.

I rounded the corner of the computer lab when I caught a glimpse of the most stunning locks of curly black hair. A flash of amber as the sun hit her eyes. At the sight of her I felt my whole face flame up and my ears started to burn.

I was frozen where I stood.

What was she doing here?

Wasn't she supposed to be in England somewhere?

As if she could feel my gaze, she looked up and we locked eyes.

I swear my heart stopped.

Damn her. Why does she have this effect on me?

She took a step towards me, then another, then another. Before I knew it I was walking towards her, then sprinting, before running. When I was finally face to face with her we crashed into each other. I held her in my arms and twirled her around. She laughed, that familiar bubbly laugh.

"What are you doing here?" I smile, putting her back down.

"Looking for you," she booped me on the nose.

"Me? Why? Wait, shouldn't you be at school? Across the globe," I point out.

"If you would have stayed in touch with me you would know I've decided to take a personal sabbatical."


She's silent for a moment, there is this look in her eyes that cracks open my heart all over again.

I wish I hadn't been a coward and called her.

She opens her mouth to say something but then,


I flinch and turn to Lexi.

She looks at me then to Aphrodite, then back to me. I see pain flash across her face.

"W-what is she doing here?" she asks.

"Lexi," take a step towards her but she steps back.

"I don't know what she's doing here, she just got here," I say.

"Where have you been, why haven't you come to class?"

"You know why," I say.

"I got all your missed work." She takes a step towards me.

"Thanks," I smile.

She smiles too.

"I'm sorry, I should go," Aphrodite says then before I can stop her she runs off.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" I move to chase her but Lexi stops me.

"Isn't she supposed to be at school, across the globe?" she says through gritted teeth.

"I don't know," I stare after her.

I feel Lexi squeeze my arm. Her way of saying she is feeling insecure. Not that I blame her. Things just got so confusing between the three of us before Aphrodite left for school. Before Aphrodite left, she and I were not on the best of terms. You see she was convinced that I was cheating on her with Lexi. She would do everything in her power to try and catch me in the act. Of course, I wasn't cheating, well...

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