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Shuichi felt awful.

The class trial was nothing like he had expected, but at the same time, it was everything he expected. Kaede was the culprit, and he knew it.

After her execution, Shuichi found it practically impossible to leave his dorm. It was as if he was chained to his bed by some invisible force, left to curl up in his bed and cry his tear ducts dry. Kaede was a true friend to him. And her death was a true loss.

He knew Kaede wouldn't want him to be the way he was. Suffering alone. But Shuichi felt weighed down, stuck nestled in his comforter.

It was night time. Shuichi decided to skip dinner. He couldn't eat, nor sleep, or even gather the willpower to move. The gruesome death of both Rantaro and Kaede was all too much to bear at the moment.

There was something else, too. Kokichi. Kokichi. God, that stupid, insufferable child who just couldn't stop himself from lying consistently through the trial, making jokes about Rantaro's death, and overall enjoying the murder trial.

It made Shuichi's blood boil.

It was yet another reason that Shuichi was suffering in his room, alone. Shuichi always felt different around Kokichi. Kokichi made him feel a way that nobody else could. But that- that was just a lie, too. Kokichi was no more than a lying prick. Shuichi balled the blanket up in his tight fist.

Knock knock.

Just two, gentle against Shuichi's door.

"Shuichi? Are you alright?"

Shuichi didn't respond.


He remained silent, wrapping his comforter tighter around him.

"Please forgive me, but I have something for you. If you're not feeling up to talking I understand. You've been through a great deal, Saihara." Kirumi spoke benevolently through Shuichi's door, keeping her voice calm but nevertheless meaningful.

Shuichi heard something slide across the floor, and leaned forward a little to see the door. A slip of paper was passed through.

"Just before her- ahem, death; Kaede told me to give this to you. I do not know it's contents, but she was adamant that you receive it. Well," Kirumi cleared her throat. "Pardon me. I'll leave you be for now, but please, take care."

Shuichi watched as Kirumi left, her shadow dissipating from the crack under his door. He waited for a few moments, keeping his lips sealed.

Reluctantly, he unwrapped himself from the cocoon of blankets, and scooted of the edge of the bed, treading gently towards the paper next to his door. He bent down, and picked it up with a shaky hand. It was folded neatly in half, and he began to open it whilst turning his back to the door and sliding down it, resting his back against the hard wood.

Dear Shuichi.

Shuichi sat down on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest as he continued to read with a pounding heart.

So, when you're reading this... I'm not here anymore. At the time of writing this letter, you're off investigating a murder I committed. Rest assured, I know my death is near, but I don't fear it. If you can keep living, that's enough for me.

I'm sorry it had to be this way, I made a mistake that will cost me my life. At least Rantaro and I will be painting each other's fingernails together in heaven now.

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