Chapter 16: Back to normal

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Hello! Update is finally here! 

I wanted this one out quick (ironic, yes I know) so please don't mind the errors, I skipped the proofreading.



"Now I ask myself, choose what
Do I put out the fire, or burn even brighter"


With apprehension, he descended the stairs. Y/n walked ahead of him, glancing backwards here and there just to make sure she hadn't lost the man.

They came down to an empty hall, no noise at all. Only Hoseok stood behind his desk, writing something. He looked up hearing them approaching. Y/n crossed her arms over his tall receptionist desk and asked him where the kids had gone. 

"Jimin took them to their mom." He replied, tilting his head towards the corridor that lead to the rest rooms. 

Taehyung gulped, worried eyes meeting Y/n's. She chuckled at his expression. 

"So you'll meet all of them, isn't that better?" 

"I can't." He whispered desperately, taking a step closer to her and holding her arms, as if someone could hear him. "I can't, Y/n, please."

Y/n smacked her lips in a straight line and stared at his hands before holding them with her own, freeing herself from his grip. 

"I'll be there." 

Taehyung shook his head, expression terrified. Hushing and comforting him like a child, she led him to the rest room, holding his hand. As she opened the door, Taehyung bit his lip, on the verge of a panic attack. 

As the door opened, it revealed a simple white room with two beds, each of them occupied by the two hurt adults. In the bed situated right next to the door, lied Jimin and her two kids, sitting on the edge of her bed. The bed accross the door was occupied by Jungkook, head bandaged. All four turned their heads towards the door and silence overtook the room, a gloomy ambiance weighing on them. 

That is, until, the little girl recognized the lady standing next to Taehyung, and jumped out of bed, running to hug her legs. 


Taehyung watched mouth open in shock at the scene, wondering why Yuqi acted so familiar with Y/n. 

"Hey, boss girl. Did you greet your mom well?" The older woman asked, to which the little girl nodded excitedly. Y/n then turned towards Taehyung, beside her. "And do you want to meet this person, here?" 

And it was as if the little girl had noticed the man's presence for the very first time. Taehyung's ears rang because of the loud silence in the room, during which he couldn't take a single breath. He swallowed back tears when she hesitantly looked back, searching for her mother. 

Jimin nodded, urging her to turn around again. "Go ahead darling. It's your daddy." 

The big brown eyes stared at him again with wonder in them. Taehyung forced a smile, kneeling down on one knee and holding his hands out. Small steps resounded in the space and two small hands were placed palm down on Taehyung's large ones. His lips quivered and he pulled the little body against his chest and held it with all the force he had. From the moment his arms closed around her, he couldn't stop his body from moving. His hands roamed her entire form, gently caressing her arms, back and hair up and down. His mouth placed soft kisses on top of her head, on her forehead and all over her face. He held her desperately against his chest, her head pressed against his heart. The little girl stood confused but seemingly more at ease in his embrace. 

"Chains" [Taehyung FF]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum