Chapter 13: "Sacrifice"

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"I awkwardly caressed you again for a moment, even though I was gone for a long time."

The small fluttering of her eyelashes softened her heart, as she watched her little sister open her eyes, waking up. After boundless trials, her innocent, big eyes opened up to the world, the first vision welcoming her the smile of her only family, her heroine-like sister. A teeth-full grin took over the small face, eyes crinkling under the pressure of her cheeks. Like a mirror, the oldest one responded with the same kind of smile, the only difference being two dimples poking out besides the corners of her smile.

"Good morning, sunshine." She whispered, brushing away strands of her hair from her forehead, revealing a few scabs forming over recent wounds. She did her best to keep the smile on her face and gently caressed her sister's forehead. "How are you?"

"I thought you'd have left by now."

She would have, on a usual day. However, that day was a special one, so she took the liberty to take a day off from her 'job'. She pinched her little sister's cheek, making her giggle.

"You know I won't go anywhere on your birthday."

The widest, prettiest smile adorned the youngest lips and she did not lose any time to scoot closer and hug the life out of her big sister.

"Thank you so much." Her voice wavered and Y/n tightened the hug, squeezing the body of her little sister as if there was no tomorrow.

Little did she know, there really wasn't going to be a tomorrow.


"So, he asked you to bring Taehyung to him in exchange for your liberty?"

Her cold voice grounded and a little echo sounded in the mostly empty space of her office, which was before Soojin's. Only a desk, three chairs, a cabinet full of heavy files and the two women. One sitting on the rolling chair, legs crossed over each other, arms crossed over the wooden desk and the other sat across her, on the opposite side of the table, body trembling.

Y/n eyed the teen girl with no expression on her face. Nothing. She wasn't especially mad at the girl but she wasn't feeling sympathy neither. Her finger tapped on the desk's surface, urging the younger one to respond to her question.

Hesitatingly, the girl nodded, her eyes brimmed with tears. "I... I'm..." She sniffled, gulping the bill in her throat down. Y/n silently stared at her, letting her all the time to finish. "I w-want t-to go back... I w-want to have a-another future th-than this life..."

Tears rushed down immediately following her statement and she dropped her head low, wiping them off.

Y/n tilted her head, her cat-like eyes piercing through her form.

"Sherley, I thought you'd have learned your lesson by now..." Sherley flinched when Y/n got up, pushing her chair back. Her eyes followed the older woman's form as she calmly made her way over to her side, the sound of her heels loud in her ears. Stopping a foot away from her, Y/n curved down a bit, getting to Sherley's eye level. "In this world, you live for today. Nobody is promised tomorrow."

The teenager frowned slightly in confusion, not fully understanding what she meant, but the fear remained prominent on her face. Y/n's hands came to rest on the arm's of Sherley's chair for support, encaging her in between hers. She tilted her head to the side, her stare going over the younger one's face and expression before coming back to her eyes.

"Were you already free?" She questioned, tone strict, pitch low. Sherley shook her head. "Are you free now?" A slight groan paired the intimidating stare, making the teen bite her lip as she shook her head once again. Y/n scoffed and leaned further closer to her, to the point she could hear the younger's uneven breath. "So you sacrificed my colleague for nothing."

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