Chapter 2: "Circularity"

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"How can I leave?"

"It's an endless cycle."


'Tik, tok, tik tok.'

Her black heels sounded against the tiles. Smooth, clean, shining back and white tiles. Since the moment she had stepped into the big hall, all eyes were on her.

Men gawked at her, from head to toe, admiring her unreal beauty, and mouth-watering sexiness. Those who knew her, smirked her way and those who didn't, could only fantasize about how good those divine curves would feel at their touch.

Women scowled at her, jealousy dripping from their noses. The beautiful woman attracted all the male attention, much to their dismay.

"Isn't it funny how she's more renown than the prostitutes in this place?" One mocked out loud, when she walked close by. The twenty-nine year old stopped her in tracks, not bothering to look at the old hag who commented. She adjusted her sun glasses, confidence radiating from her body.

"That's sad. The prostitutes need to step up their game, then, Mrs. Cho."

The old woman gasped, offended by the younger one's rude reply. She was about to scream at the maiden for having insulted her merchandise's quality, but her husband, none other than the owner of this club, made his appearance before things could get out of hands.

"Ah, what a surprise, Y/n!" The old man exclaimed, coming up to the girl.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mr. Cho." She greeted him, bowing her head down.

"Oh, come on here! We're friends!" He opened his arms wide, a big perverted grin dancing on his face. Y/n mentally rolled her eyes, but still stepped forward to hug the business partner. She tried to make it quick, wanting to pull away from the man who reeked of alcohol, but the effort was gone to waste. The pedophile caged her against his chest tightly and his attempt to feel her open cleavage against his body didn't go unnoticed to the woman.

A feeling of disgust invades her body, as she wanted to push the fatty away. But she couldn't. Not if she still wanted to live.

"What brings you here, darling?" He slowly pulled away, making sure his hands grazed every inch of her arms' exposed skin.

"I want to have some fun." She replied formally, standing straight, legs pressed together. The old man leaned back, wiggling his right eyebrow.

"Of course you do." His playful smirk showed off his yellowed teeth. "Who are you meeting here?"

"No one, sir." She stated, making everyone else gasp. "I'm here to enjoy your service."

"I'm shocked. Why in the world does a goddess like you need to come here and pay to have fun? You could ask anybody, no one would refuse!" She smiled, and put a lost strand of hair back in its place.

"You're just flattering me." She batted her eyelashes, gracefully lowering her gaze. "I'm not that demanded."

And it had seemed that all the men present in the hall had lost their minds at her words.

"You must have not done your calculations right, Y/n." Mr. Cho laughed, reaching out to hold the girl's arm. He closed the gap once more between them and whispered words hidden from his wife's ear. "Just give me the opportunity, sweety. I'll show you how much we want to taste those-"

"I'm afraid it's time for lunch, my dear husband." Mrs. Cho pulled her partner back, glaring at the girl who stood too close too him for her liking. "Besides, I think that Y/n here is very picky. She won't let anybody enter her... House."

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