Chapter 11: "Round and round"

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"See, 'me' and 'you' are the same too,

but that doesn't mean I am you."


His eyes widened as his body froze in place.

Taehyung wasn't expecting the scenery in front of him, let alone the people that were standing in the same room as him. he couldn't understand how he ended up here and asked himself if he maybe had entered the wrong room. But no matter how many times he blinked, they were still there, watching his form with big doe-like eyes, clinging to each others.

Taehyung saw no Soojin, not even close.

He was facing tiny, small little persons. Innocent and traumatized, they were shaking, finding warmth and security in each other's hold as they observed the man before them. The adult's eyes roamed over their scared expressions, heart tightening at the fear in their eyes, the tears staining their sunken cheeks.

His foot hesitated to step forward and just as he saw one of the kid flinch from his slight movement he took that step back. Taehyung started hearing his thumping heartbeat, mixed with the whimpers of the broken souls. His lower lip trembled, not knowing what words to pronounce.

If Taehyung had thought that he couldn't get lost further than he did during his stay, he regretted that thought.

Because now that there wasn't only him that he was responsible for, he felt lonelier than ever before.


A deafening silence ruled in the office room, room that carried the presence of two people, one alive and one dead.

A beautiful corpse and an even more beautiful killer, both stained in the same deep red colour of the redhead's blood.

The echoing sound of the gunshot was still ringing in Y/n's ears as she stood frozen, staring from the body in her feet to her hand that held the black arm. She knew that it was a matter of time that people would come up running to see what happened, as there was no way no one heard the shot, even through the loud chattering of the guests.

So why couldn't she move?

The resonnation of the shot shook every bone in her body, to the point she felt her limbs being paralysed. Was it the after-affect of murder? No, she had done many before.

It was the fact that the reality was finally dawning on her, settling in her mind.

She did it.

She had killed Soojin.

After all these years of slaving, of murders, of illegal prostitution, of drug dealing, arms dealing, of- sufferance and making people suffer.

for the first time in all those years, she was so close to freedom.


Her painted nails dug into her palm. She lowered her gun with precaution, her cat-like eyes not leaving the dead body for an instance, as if afraid it'll come back to life. A drop of wetness slid down her forehead, dripping on her cheekbone after hanging from the edge of an eyelash, making her blink.

Once, then twice. And ultimately, she closed her eyes. She felt the sting, the wetness of the tears that she kept in, the relief. Her lips parted an inch, soft breaths exiting through. She gulped down the heavy lump in the back of her throat, letting out a silent whimper.

She only had few seconds of vulnerability before she had to wear her mask again.

Trembling, her bloody hand made his way down her waist and hips, sliding a short bit of the dress up- and taking out her smart phone that hung on her shorts. The gun took her phone's place as she let the fabric drop down against her thigh again and brought both hands up to tap across the surface.

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