Part 10

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The door was opened harshly. A man in his late forties came to the room in a hurry.

"Martha! Is it true that Hayes brought a kid just now?"

The lady behind the desk, Martha looked up to the man. He was wearing a white robe with a wand in his hand. Edwin Owens, the current Principal of Datmonia Academy.

"Yes, Sir Owens. It seems like that girl was his disciple."

"What's her name?"

Martha fell silent. She couldn't answer the question even if she wanted to. It was because on the form there was a piece of paper.

-If you tell anyone about this child's name... you will hope you didn't.

That was the contents.

She was shivering when she read it. Although Hayes was kind he also did not hesitate to warn or punished someone arbitrarily.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I did not remember her name."

Edwin groaned after hearing it. He was upset that he didn't know about this until now.

He and Hayes were rarely in contact when he was on his day off. Therefore he wouldn't have known that Hayes had a disciple. No, he had his suspicion but he couldn't prove it.

It was weird that Hayes suddenly came to his place to get an entry form and then went away without any explanation. That was when he had his suspicion but since he also knows about Hayes's personality he didn't think about it any longer.

Edwin's eye twitched.

"Hayes, you better introduce her to me."


Hayes's body shivered as he sneezed.

"What's with you?"

Zoella who was preparing for her entrance exam averted her gaze to Hayes. He rarely got sick so she couldn't help but worry.

"It's nothing. Have you done preparing?"

Zoella nodded.

"Alright, then. Let's get going."

Hayes straightened his clothes before he walked to the carriage his butler had prepared with Zoella. On the way there, Zoella was dazed while staring out the window.

'She seems to have a lot of thought.'

He didn't know how to break the silence so he just kept quiet. Hayes thought that maybe Zoella was nervous about the exam. However, that was not the case.

'I become a student again. Do I need to work my ass off again? No, let's take it easy this time. Let's just be an average student. Let's not draw the nobles' attention.'

That was what going on in her mind right now. In the past, she would study hard aiming for the first rank. But that was a mistake. She was noticed by the teachers and other students.

Things were fine at first. But then some students started to pick on her.

Most of them were the kids of influential people. Zoella who didn't know their intention at first only thought that they wanted her to help with their studies. But their behavior got worse.

That was when Zoella began to refuse to help them. She didn't care anymore whether she was hated by them for that.

"Zoe, we've arrived. Come on."

Zoella was a bit startled as she came back to reality. The carriage had stopped a little while ago. She got out of the carriage and took a deep breath.

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