Part 55

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"All done."

Zoella looked at Tyrael and Eirwen with a satisfied expression. Tyrael's long pointed ears changed like human ears while Eirwen shrunk to the size of a bird.

It was thanks to magical tools Hayes bought from the city. Before they entered the city, Hayes told the three of them to stay in the forest for a while. He got right back with two magical tools in his hand.

"I don't like it."

Tyrael grumbled as he rubbed his ears.

"Either that or you shrink like Eirwen here."

Tyrael shook his head vigorously. Imagining himself sitting on Zoella's shoulder like Eirwen did make him slightly shiver.

"Let's get going. Oh, and don't get freak out if the city is crowded."

Hayes said with Zoella and Tyrael tailing on him.

"Why would we freak out about that? Did something happen?"

Hayes looked at Zoella with a cheeky smile on his face. For instance, Zoella regretted asking that question.

"Yes, my little disciple. Something did happen."


"Something fun, big, colorful, noisy, crowded, and festive."

Zoella was a bit surprised. She thought Hayes would tell him something annoying but it turned out better.

"Is it a festival, Sir Hayes?"

"Correct. The spring festival has begun in our empire and it'll last for about three days."

Zoella's face brightened instantly the moment she heard festival. Back in her world, there was no such a thing as a festival. This would be her first-ever festival.

She glanced at Hayes while keeping her mouth shut. Zoella couldn't predict what Hayes would do if she said that this was her first festival.

They continued to walk through the forest with Hayes's chatter as their music.


Zoella muttered under her breath. Her heart was beating really fast with excitement. The world seemed to be dazzling the moment she stepped into the city. Many people with different backgrounds and different stories gathered together to celebrate the spring festival.

"What? Your first time coming to the festival?"

The smile on Zoella's face dropped once Tyrael talked to her. She left Tyrael and Hayes behind as she started to walk around the city.

'Foods, drinks, theater, puppet play, musician, dancer, it feels like a funfair.'

Her mood lightened up with the noises of the festival. The children roamed around freely, the couples on a date and some families had fun together.

Zoella remembered that Hayes had promised the Leighton couple that they would come to their estate to buy her some time to think. It would be a lie if Zoella said she didn't want to have a family.

She wanted to but somehow her heart was still felt uneasy at the thought that she might steal someone's place.

But if Zoella didn't take that chance now, she would probably never get a chance like this again. Zoella groaned subtly at her complicated thought.

Eirwen who noticed Zoella's gloomy mood snuggled his head to her cheek.

"Are you trying to cheer me up? Thanks, Eirwen."

Zoella stroke Eirwen's chin gently.

'Right, I'll think about it later. Let's have fun first.'

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