Part 51

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The blue-colored forest, Silevea forest was right before their eyes. Zoella couldn't find the right word to describe how beautiful this forest is.

The tall and sturdy trees, the cold air, the waterfall, and the blue color itself made the forest feel magical. Zoella couldn't take her eyes off the forest.

But the amazement in her heart quickly turned into curiosity.

Besides the color, the trees had no other difference from the trees in another forest. There must be a reason why the color was blue instead of green.

While Zoella was admiring the forest, Hayes poured his attention to the magic circle instead. Just as he expected, this magic circle also had the trace of Edwin's mana.

"Come on. Our village is quite far from here."

Tyrael's voice interrupted Hayes and Zoella's minds. When the three walked through the forest, Zoella couldn't hold her curiosity anymore.

"Teacher, why is the color of the plants here blue?"

"You didn't know about that? How old are you?"

"Well, excuse me. I'm a human, not an elf."

Tyrael rolled his eyes and chose to shut his mouth. He felt like if he talked to Zoella it would turn into an argument.

"Have you ever heard of the life stone?"

Zoella nodded. She read about that stone before.

The life stone was said to be Maharin's tear that fell to the human realm. The tear changed into a stone and was owned by the temple.

The life stone had the power to make everything around it live longer than average. However, when the war broke the temple was destroyed and the stone was nowhere to be found.

At least that was what Zoella read in a book.

Because she never saw it herself, Zoella believed that the stone was only a myth.

"Someone you know said that the life stone was located in the Silevea forest. It's because of the effect of the life stone that the plants' color changed."

Zoella tilted her head while Tyrael looked at Hayes surprised. There was only one human who knew about this fact and it wasn't Hayes.

"Someone I know... do you mean Sir Edwin?"

Hayes smiled as he nodded at her answer. Zoella was quite surprised that her answer was right. She only guessed because Edwin was the oldest person she knew.

Tyrael stopped while he stared at Hayes and Zoella.

"You... what's your relationship with Sir Edwin?"

"He's my teacher."

Zoella held her laughter. Her teacher who was reluctant to admit that Edwin was his teacher right now said those words on his own.

Hayes also never expected that someday he was going to say it. Not to mention, he was a bit grateful that Edwin took him in as his disciple now.

"Why don't you say it from the start? If I know that you were Sir Edwin's disciple, I would gladly bring you here."

Tyrael said with his eyes twinkling. Hayes and Zoella were confused and surprised at the sudden change in this elf's behavior.

"Sir Edwin is a good friend to our Chief. He taught us all the things we know. He even gave us a large number of books for us. The magic circles earlier are also his creation to make his trip easier. But we haven't met him in a long time now."

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