Part 31

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Before they realized it, one of the thugs was thrown away by Zoella's fist. Warren's body which was strangled fell to the ground.

The thug's body broke the wall and he fainted.

Zoella strengthens her fist while still pouring her mana into it.

The other three thugs flinched when Zoella glanced at them. They could see the rage in her violet eyes.

"What are you doing? Get her!"

The three of them started to throw their fists trying to hit Zoella. However, none of them managed to place a single stroke on her.

Zoella dodged their attack over and over again.

"How lame. Well, it's my turn now."

Zoella jumped as high as she could and placed a kick on the thug's neck. She was sure that she heard his bones broken.

The other two thugs tried to catch her while Zoella was in the air. However, their speeds couldn't be compared to Zoella's.

She elbowed the thug in his ear while bashing another one's head with her knee.

Didn't want to waste any time, Zoella knocked them down at once as she hit their napes. Zoella looked at them as her anger subsided.


Warren's weak voice made her flinch. She was busy venting her anger on the thugs and forgot that her friends were injured.

Zoella rushed to Warren and helped him to lie down on his back.

"I'm sorry, Zoe... I tried-"

"It's alright. You did great. You don't have to do anything. Margaret-"

"I got her, Zoe. I can heal her."

Zoella nodded.

Her mana flowed slowly from her hand and began to close his wounds. Once Zoella was done, Warren tried to sit right away. He managed to do it even though he still felt the pain.

Zoella approached Margaret who was still treating Lilian. She struggled to heal Lilian since she herself was injured.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Margaret."

Zoella put her hand on Margaret's and channeled her mana to her.

Margaret took a quick glance to see Zoella's expression.

She thought Zoella was angry at them when Zoella's voice sounded cold to her. But that was not the case. Rather, Zoella was angry at herself.

It was not that hard to guess Zoella's mind now as they spend most of their time together.

"Zoe! Kids! Are you okay?"

Zoella's ears perked when Hayes's voice reached her ears. She stood up and strode in his direction.

"How was it?"

"He got away. But I don't think these bast... thugs are his subordinate."


"I wonder too. I have called a carriage. Come on, my servants will take care of those thugs."

Zoella and Margaret carried Lilian's unconscious body to the carriage while Hayes and Warren followed them from behind.

No one said a word since they got onto the carriage.

As for Hayes, he replayed the scene when he fought a strange mage earlier in his head.

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